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Software for the rookie


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Dear Graphic Warriors,

I am interested in get some new software, so that I can create and design the awesome stuff you all are doing.

Since I don't have the background like Psi, Nitro and others of you, what programs do I have to choose from?

I only have Microsoft Paint on my PC - what do you suggest?

First, $$ is always an issue.

Second, What work best for you all-based on your individual likes?

Third-my computer is new (pentium4 processor) with MS-XP windows.

Suggestions gentlemen -

(I have a Best Buy near my house) ???

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Adobe Illustrator 10

Full version is like $400 US, but if you get the student version (no real features missing just a couple of odds and ends) it's only about $200 US. Just hafta show a student ID of some sort.

It's really just very good. It takes time to learn, though. Heck, I don't know near all of it yet and I have had it since Christmas. I had to buy a book to learn it (Teach Yourself Adobe Ilustrator 10 in 24 Hours--24 lessons that each take approx. 1 hour--$24.99 US). I'm only about half way through the book. The reason I haven't been farther is cuz once you know a bit you can get going and sorta start to learn on your own. It's great. You've seen some logos I've drawn so you can go by that for quality. Here's a preview of my most recent work in it.


So not that I have tried much else, but I would have to say Illustrator is the way to go.

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Thanks StL fan-I'm head out to Best Buy after dinner (we eat late in Kansas City).

Not rubbing it in, how about those Royals this year and takin' 2 of 3 is St Louie (Love the Arch town)? But I won either way as my National League team is the Cardinals!

Red Birds are in town this weekend so I maybe eatin' crow after Sunday.

You Rock STL FAN!

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Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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I have Illustrator too, but i dont use it, i dont really have the patience to learn it yet. You dont have to pay for it, if you have Kazaa media desktop you can download the complete (and illegal) version  :;): but its always nice you have your own (legal) copy :D

I do use Paint Shop Pro 7, its not illustrator, but it can dish out some nice work once you get the hang of it, www.gmscreations.tk is my site and most of my work on there is by PSP7.

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PSP7: me2!

I downloaded PSP8 today for testing at work... and so far, I don't like it.  They went away from what made PSP7 easy to use.

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POTD 2013-08-22

On 7/14/2012 at 2:20 AM, tajmccall said:

When it comes to style, ya'll really should listen to Kev.

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