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Flames concepts


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reminds me of those pieces of crap that accompanied that stupid horseshoe logo on that one site...iDonovan, i think it was.  and that's not a good thing, cus i usually like your stuff.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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I like the Atlanta ones better.  I know they have similar styles, but the Yellow "A" looks better.  I agree, they are good TATC concepts.  

You do good work!

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Those Atlanta jerseys just SCREAM "Roller Hockey International."  To quote the Beeman, "Aiiieee! No es bueno!"

Is it me, or have my last few posts been really negative?

Welcome to DrunjFlix

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Those Atlanta jerseys just SCREAM "Roller Hockey International." To quote the Beeman, "Aiiieee! No es bueno!"

Or, "aiiiiieeee, me cabeza!"

And the RHI's Atlanta Fire Ants did have similarly formatted jerseys although the roads were black and not red.

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