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Mike Tyson=Done


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I still think he is going to eventually kill himself.

I'm not sure if you are serious or just making a stupid comment, but if you are serious, I actually agree with you. It's a shame.

I think Mike Tyson is troubled human being that without boxing wil have nothng left. Hes already tried to kill himself before running hsi car off teh road. Hes troubled depressed and at times irrational. Its sad to say but there wil not be a happy ending to this story, and I just see it becoming even more tragic now that he is no longer able to fight.



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Watching Cold Pizza on ESPN2, Mike is still 20 million in debt. There is a theory that he threw the fight. I can believe it, the gamblers - could have paid off some of his debt in return he throws the fight. If he returns to the ring and wins his next fight you know it's a fix because who in their right mind would bet on Tyson to win his next fight unless you had inside information, correct? Just a thought....

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he was so hard to beat in Punchout though

I always wanted to fight as Tyson himself on that game.


Good times. :)

I played it on Animal Crossing for the GCN. Forget Mike Tyson, beating SodaPop guy or w/e his name is was really a bitch. :cursing:



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I was reading the paper the other day, and the main story was saying that he was $30 mil in debt, blah blah, and Tyson says: "I'll pay them when I have the money. If I dont have the money, I wont pay them, its as simple as that." Not exact words, but close enough.

Then I proceeded to read a columnists artlicle on his day with Tyson, and it starts out: "We climbed into Tysons WHITE HUMMER"

yeah, financial troubles. I wish I had financial troubles like that.

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