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Heidelberg Festungen (Fortresses)


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So here's the idea I've been working on for the new Euro Hockey Fantasy League here on the Creamer boards.

The colours are from the German flag and the shoulder patches are from the Heidelberg coat of arms-


The shorts will probably be red, but I may make them black.

I relaize these are devoid of ads as the European unis usually are--well I may some later or if not use your imagination...

C&C welcome-





Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Good work. The "tower" tops of the H remind me of the old Quebec Remparts of the Quebec League. I would definitely go with black pants. There is already enough red in the sweaters. And you should use a thicker numeral font. What you've chosen, called Times Bold, is just too thin for hockey.

I was going to make smarta** remarks about your lack of sponsor logos (I think most Euro unis are a joke), but you covered it. Try not to use too many if you do. :rolleyes::hockeysmiley::rolleyes:

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I was going to make  smarta** remarks about your lack of sponsor logos (I think most Euro unis are a joke), but you covered it. Try not to use too many if you do.  :rolleyes:  :hockeysmiley:  :rolleyes:

cool, I'm not the only one who feels that way about Euro hockey jerseys-they may as well be wearing clownsuits. You got ads on the helmets, you've sold adspace to 2-3 different corporations on the jersey, maybe more, there's ads on teh pants and a sponsor on the socks :wacko: shoot, about the only place there's no ads at all is teh skates.

I hate jersey sponsors as a general rule, but I say keep it to the back and/or keep it small if you gotta have it. Euro hockey and smaller European soccer clubs go overboard...IIRC I recall an Austrian FC that had 2 sponsors on the front, then another one above the number, and another ad on the seat of the pants. then of course the hockey clubs cram every imaginable space on the jersey with sponsors...I'm amazed anyone can pick out who's home and away, to be honest :blink:


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With those colours, that jersey is just screaming out for some big Vs on the front of it ^_^

The yellow maybe--but it just didn't right in white--and the sleeves are different--my complaint about that Canuck jersey wasn't the colouring--but the "V"--then again this is for a Euro league,, and some of their jerseys are quite loud--so I thought it appropriate.

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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Shield logo added--I tried fancier shields--but nothing worked as well for me as the simple one--although I may change the shape at the bottom...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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