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They've been italiced since changing from the block font. It's very slight, but it's there and

they are meant to match the numbers on the helmet.

I know that's their justification, but it doesn't change the fact that the numbers on the jerseys are italic and the ones on the helmet aren't.

I blame Nike and the team - Nike for changing the Steeler uniforms only to put their "stamp" on them, and the team for letting them.

Change for change's sake alone is a bad idea. And that's exactly what this was - looking for a change that they could make just to make a change.

I don't know, they look italic on the helmets, too. I can't confirm it, but just looking at it, wouldnt the imaginary edge of the "3" be parallel with the stripe if they were straight?


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They've been italiced since changing from the block font. It's very slight, but it's there and

they are meant to match the numbers on the helmet.

I know that's their justification, but it doesn't change the fact that the numbers on the jerseys are italic and the ones on the helmet aren't.

I blame Nike and the team - Nike for changing the Steeler uniforms only to put their "stamp" on them, and the team for letting them.

Change for change's sake alone is a bad idea. And that's exactly what this was - looking for a change that they could make just to make a change.

I don't know, they look italic on the helmets, too. I can't confirm it, but just looking at it, wouldnt the imaginary edge of the "3" be parallel with the stripe if they were straight?


Oops, I think you're right. I don't think they used to be italic, but maybe they are now.

Ok, they match. It's still stupid. :P

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Actually, Nike did put their stamp on the jerseys. If I remember correctly, Nike screwed up the white jerseys by using one color black names to match the numbers the first year they had the Steelers. After public outrage, Nike admitted their mistake and switched the leters back to yellow on black the following season.

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