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NFL TV question


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With regard to Thanksgiving, I believe the AFC network always gets Detroit and the NFC network always gets Dallas regardless of visitors. I haven't kept track lately, but I can remember NBC's coverage of the Macy's Parade always led into the pregame show for the Lions game (back when NBC was the AFC network).

That's not quite true...One team will face an NFC opponent, one team will face an AFC opponent. NFC opponent on Fox, obviously, and AFC opponent on CBS.

Remember Madden's traditional 13 legged turkey he would always give the Lions on Fox?

And Dallas has been on the AFC channel plenty of times (NBC or CBS).

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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  • 2 weeks later...
With regard to Thanksgiving, I believe the AFC network always gets Detroit and the NFC network always gets Dallas regardless of visitors.  I haven't kept track lately, but I can remember NBC's coverage of the Macy's Parade always led into the pregame show for the Lions game (back when NBC was the AFC network).

That's not quite true...One team will face an NFC opponent, one team will face an AFC opponent. NFC opponent on Fox, obviously, and AFC opponent on CBS.

Remember Madden's traditional 13 legged turkey he would always give the Lions on Fox?

And Dallas has been on the AFC channel plenty of times (NBC or CBS).

Yeah, that's correct. That's also how you can narrow next year's AFC teams on Thanksgiving down to 2 teams.

i.e. This year Dallas hosts Denver on Thanksgiving (CBS). That means next year's AFC team on Thanksgiving will be playing at Detroit. And the only 2 AFC teams Detroit is scheduled to host next year are: Buffalo and Miami.

So either Buffalo or Miami will be at Detroit on Thanksgiving next season.

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So either Buffalo or Miami will be at Detroit on Thanksgiving next season.


I would guess Buffalo would get the nod since the Dolphins played on Thanksgiving (on CBS vs. Dallas) in 2003.

Of course, Denver played the Cowboys a few years ago on Turkey Day, and will play them again this year.

Who knows? :)

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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Remember Madden's traditional 13 legged turkey he would always give the Lions on Fox?

The Tuckey Leg award was about the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I swear that award got worse and worse every year. From two legs, to four, to something like twenty. And on top of that, it eventually became a "turducken", which is guess is a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey. :wacko:


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Remember Madden's traditional 13 legged turkey he would always give the Lions on Fox?

The Tuckey Leg award was about the most ridiculous thing I've ever seen. I swear that award got worse and worse every year. From two legs, to four, to something like twenty. And on top of that, it eventually became a "turducken", which is guess is a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey. :wacko:


I think one year the receivers, the O-line, and Barry Sanders all got the Turkey Leg awards, which pretty much meant it was everyone on offense except for Scott Mitchell...

Smart is believing half of what you hear. Genius is knowing which half.


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And on top of that, it eventually became a "turducken", which is guess is a chicken stuffed inside a duck stuffed inside a turkey. :wacko:

Hey, at least it didn't become a tofurkey :puke:


"One of my concerns is shysters show up and take advantage of people's good will and generosity".

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