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Standing on the Soap Box


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why couldnt they have afternoon games on Saturdays and prime time games during the week. My example of what could have been done this season (all times eastern time):

Game 1 and 6 (Sat): 2:05

Game 2 and 7 (Sun): 7:35 (due to football)

Game 3-5 (Tue-Thr): 6:35 or 7:05

Another beef I have is if you say the game will start at 8:30, start the thing at 8:30, not start your festivities and pregame at 8:30 and game starts at 8:45 or 8:50

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Games should be scheduled with the home fans in mind.

That's it.

The game's on the east coast? Well, sorry, west coast, it's gonna start kind of early for ya.

The game's on the west coast? Well, sory, east coast, it's gonna start pretty late for ya.

The game's in the Midwest? Screw both coasts.

In my book, attending home fans should come first. Screw the coastal whining, especially the idea that the east coast is the end-all, be-all.



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Games should be scheduled with the home fans in mind.

That's it.

The game's on the east coast?  Well, sorry, west coast, it's gonna start kind of early for ya.

The game's on the west coast?  Well, sory, east coast, it's gonna start pretty late for ya.

The game's in the Midwest?  Screw both coasts.

In my book, attending home fans should come first.  Screw the coastal whining, especially the idea that the east coast is the end-all, be-all.


Wow, why couldn't I have just said it like that? Exactly

I've decided to give up hope for all sports teams I follow

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Games should be scheduled with the home fans in mind.

That's it.

The game's on the east coast? Well, sorry, west coast, it's gonna start kind of early for ya.

The game's on the west coast? Well, sory, east coast, it's gonna start pretty late for ya.

The game's in the Midwest? Screw both coasts.

In my book, attending home fans should come first. Screw the coastal whining, especially the idea that the east coast is the end-all, be-all.

Very well put.

But I also agree that Saturday World Series games should be afternoon games. And if they're afternoon games, it really doesn't matter what time they start.

I say Saturday, and not weekend, games because I know the World Series isn't going to butt heads with the NFL on Sundays. But they sure can afford to do so on Saturdays.

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I would love an afternoon game in the World Series again there has only been 1 in the last 20 years, and there will never be one again and that sucks.



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