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Sportscenter has gone too far


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Right now they are doing a simulated Yankees press Conference. This is crazy and stupid. If they want to talk about possible offseason moves why don't they just discuss it with Steve Phillips in studio. Why put on a show as stupid as this? ESPN sucks.

I totaly agree. It is supid. They are just showing off that former GM Steve Philips with the Mets

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I think the best part came today when Steve Phillips actually took a ddrink of water like he was parched or something this is bad TV simply put just him down at the desk show highlight footage as he talks what the teams plan will be this set up is just stupid.



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People have explained why it's stupid, actually.

Two examples that I can remember being given are that while they're meant to look like actual press conferences, they don't come off that way. He's too specific in mentioning how he will handle all of the situations for which questions are asked. For example, like CFsize24 said, you'll never see a GM say "Well we are definately looking into Paul Konerko, Derrick Lee, and Albert Pujols." They're meant to resemble something that they, in turn, do not.

The second being that nothing that's done in this segment can't be done in a format that follows the traditional manner.


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At first, I thought this was stupid.

But I thought "ESPN is talking baseball in November". Would you rather hear 60 non-stop minutes of Terrell Owens and the NBA, or more variety?

Not everyone loves the 'hot stove' league. Believe it or not, some people want to hear about sports that are actually in session (NFL, NBA, NHL, College Football, College Basketball, the list goes on).

BTW, if you ARE going to talk about the Hot Stove league, do it in a way that people won't want to throw their remotes at their TV sets. I mean, seriously. This is the worst thing Sportscenter did since Stuart Scott did a poetry slam during a football highlight.

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What about that stupid advertisement they did by interviewing the BK "King" mascot. Kenny Mayne spent 5 minutes advertising for a fast food chain instead of talking about sports. I am losing more respect for ESPN every day......

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