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Fanatic Designs - My New Portfolio Site


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First off, I put this here because it deals with logos, many of which are sports. In a lot of cases these logos are not simply concepts, but designs that have been followed through with. And, of course, I'm smart enough to know this board gets the most attention, and I'd like to have this seen, heh.

And now, here's my new site, Fanatic Designs.

It should be fully functional, though the art gallery (traditional media art) is not up yet, and a few designs still need descriptions.

Thanks for any questions, comments, or just looking.

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B) Well, gotta say you are pretty good with the logos. Two thumbs up. The best one I saw was the Houston Rockets. Didn't really think the Falcons re-do was quite as crisp as the Falcon needs to be (with the definite letter "F" subliminal shape), but for just a bird logo, it is good. Keep up the good work!

spacer.png  5-time Defending NL East Champions spacer.png 

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Great stuff Fanatic!

Nice to see a fellow St. Louisan (I live in the Metro East) getting a good start to a career in graphic design.

"This sweater, this Bluenote, it's your life. That Bluenote never hits the floor. You wear that sweater with pride." Barclay Plager


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Great job STLFanatic!!! I love your swimming logo.

Kansas-BB-banner.png My-son-Soldier-banner.png

Kansas City Scouts (CHL) Orr Cup Champions 2010, 2019, 2021         St. Joseph Pony Express (ULL)  2023 Champions     Kansas City Cattle (CL)

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I'm impressed, the site's well designed and organized. There was obviously a lot of thought put into the layout, and it's easy to navigate.

so, I throw you a hot wing :hockeysmiley:


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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