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Boise Hawks to change name in 2007?


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Boise Hawks

HT: The team is planning on a new logo for the 2007 season. How and why is that coming about?

TR: When I got here two years ago, I thought one of the big weaknesses we had was our logo. I probably look at it a lot more than most people do. It?s a very traditional logo. I think what minor league baseball is, is it?s non-traditional, it?s fun, it?s irreverent at times. Our brand is everything we do. And that is entertainment. It?s fun, it?s the ballpark, the fireworks shows, it?s all that wrapped into one thing. Our logo really doesn?t convey that.

So we want to do a new logo that is going to convey that atmosphere out here. But at the same point, not going over the top to the point of people going, ?what the heck is this??

We?ve hired Plan B Branding out of San Diego to help us research the idea.

The other thing is do we want to stay with Hawks? We?ve been the Hawks for twenty years. It?s very difficult to pull the plug on something you?ve been building for twenty years. But, we do not own the name Hawks. The Atlanta Hawks of the NBA own that name. And so there are a lot of hoops. There are a lot of things we?ve got to do to market things - just to be able to put our name on a t-shirt can turn into a huge ordeal. It?s like Microsoft not owning the name Microsoft. Nobody wants to have a name that they don?t own.

So we?re going to go through a ton of research over the next few months just to see if the market will accept a change. And also see if there are suggestions out there. If we were to change the name, what would you like it to be? But we also want to find out things like what colors would you like to see our team in? If pink becomes a winner (laughs), I doubt it?ll be pink, but we want to hear about it.

It all starts with the idea that we really want to connect this team with the city of Boise and also the region of the Treasure Valley and make it something where people around the country will go, ?oh, that?s what Boise?s about.? Kind of like the blue turf over at BSU.

So, there?s a possibility that we may not be the Boise Hawks at this time next year. We could be something else. You talk about exciting and daunting, I think this qualifies. It?s very exciting to go through this research and it?s exciting recreating a brand here. But at the same time it?s very scary ? the idea that, hey, you have put twenty years into this name Hawks and this brand Hawks ? changing it, you could go over the edge and actually not do the things you hope would happen with a new brand. That?s why we?re really going to be painstaking about this and do our due diligence and make sure that this thing is the right thing to do. Or, we stay the Hawks and we just have a new logo that?s more exciting and vibrant.

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I have a couple thoughts on this...

Seeing as how the Hawks are in the Treasure Valley, I was thinking of a name like Gems or something along those lines.

At the very least, I'd vote for the Boise Dynamite...


Hmm... I wonder if the Hawks have large talons... Boise Talons? :P


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