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Nbdl teams to have logos?

Ez Street

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Finally everyone with the same logo looked terrible, I mean sure they are minor league, but no logos it gave the league the feel of intermural basketabll in grade school.



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It's about time the NBDL got its act together in the area of branding. I've got to believe that the whole idea behind the "No Team Logos" policy was an attempt to brand the league's identity first. There was probably a fear that dynamic branding on the part of the individual teams would only serve to overshadow the league's launch.

However, at the end of the day, a league IS COMPOSED of its member teams. Plus, you're only going to generate so much revenue to support a minor league without the option of healthy merchandising. So, I wouldn't be surprised if we see all of the NBDL's member franchises unveil logos.

Brian in Boston

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Whats really pathetic is that the new Riverdragons logo is a vast improvement over the original...which hardly qualified as a logo at all in my book (seeing as how it was the NBDL logo only in blue and orange).  I'm curious as to the strong military elements of the logo (three chevrons is the rank of sargent right?)...is there a strong military presence in Columbus (as the logo would indicate) I hope that is as stupid a question as it seems to be, but I must admit I'm not very familiar with that part of the country.

Lastly, if you think the Riverdragons name was sad...try this on for size:  the Roanoke Dazzle...and what the heck is a Lowgator anyway?

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Avenger just beat me to the punch, but the press release announcing the Riverdragons' new logo - designed by Reebok - reveals that all NBDL teams will be sporting new primary marks this coming season.

"All NBDL teams will unveil new logos this season as part of an effort to soldify their relationships with their surrounding communities."

To that end, the three chevrons above the dragon in Columbus' logo, as well as the overall shape (based on a military rank insignia), are a tribute to the United States Army 3rd Infantry based at nearby Fort Benning, Georgia. Riverdragons' management estimates that over 25% of the teams' attendance during their first two seasons of play has been composed of Fort Benning-based military personnel and their families.

The full article can be viewed at:


Brian in Boston

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Well... IMHO, the Columbus Riverdragons have got the best of the NBDL's new logos. It does the best job of establishing ties between a team's name and visual elements that are linked to the club's home market (in this case the Fort Benning/military symbolism). Through a friend who works within the sporting goods industry, I've had the pleasure of perusing the logos.

They can be described as follows...

Asheville Altitude: The logo features a basketball rising from behind a mountain range. Think of the Utah Jazz logo, but without the wordmark or a containment circle.

Charleston Lowgators: The logo features an alligator's face, staring straight at the viewer, superimposed over a basketball. The basketball is slightly left-of-center behind the gator's head.

Fayetteville Patriots: The logo features a stylized letter "P", within which can be seen stylized renderings of a basketball, a bald eagle's head and a stars-and-stripes device. Think of a busy, patriotic rendering of the Indiana Pacers' logo.

Huntsville Flight: The logo features a fighter jet swooping from left to right around a basketball.

Roanoke Dazzle: The logo features railroad tracks circling from behind a basketball. At the end of the tracks sits a large star. The tracks represent Roanoke's historical role as a railroad hub, while the star represents the large illuminated symbol that sits atop nearby Mill Mountain.

Brian in Boston

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As informative as my descriptions may have been, I know that all of us here on the CCSL Boards like to see things with our own eyes. So, to that end, I've taken a peek at the United States Patent and Trademark Office website. Sure enough, all of the new NBDL logos are in the archives. Granted, they're the usual grainy, black-and-white images that leave a great deal to the imagination. However, between the USPTO's archived images and my descriptions of the actual designs, hopefully you'll all be able to satisfy your new logo "hunger" for awhile.

http://www.uspto.gov Then, conduct trademark searches under the individual team names. You guys know the drill.


Brian in Boston

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The powers-that-be obviously made the decision to stick with the preexisting font for all six teams. IMHO, a mistake.

Having seen the actual logos, the alligator could be described as somewhat University of Florida-like in overall style.

I still think that Columbus' new mark is the best of the bunch.

Brian in Boston

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Thanks Brian and Syphi for the logos/descriptions.  The Riverdragons definately seem to be the pick of the litter...although the Altitude (does anyone else see an "A" made out of the center mountain?) and Flight have some modest logos.  The Lowgators just strikes me as being bad all around...same as the Dazzle.  And the Patriots logo just strikes me as being too busy.

I'm also interested by strong military/patriotic theme presented by the Flight, Patriots and Riverdragons.  Granted Patriots is a given, but Flight and Riverdragons certainly could have been executed differently.  Having now read the explaination for the Riverdragons logo, I can see what they are trying to convey...and I definately think its an interesting aproach.

At the same time, I can't help but feel a bit concerned that these designs might also be trying to take advantage of current world events and the subsequent visability of the armed services. I don't mean to drag polotics into this, but it seems that some of these overtly military designs are less concerned with honoring the men and women of the armed services, than they are with capitalizing on the "popularity" and "glamour" of war.

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I didn't realize the NBDL didn't have any team logos.  That's truly bizarre, especially given the marketing-savvy NBA is overseeing it.

Oh well, I'm sure they had a very good reason for doing it the way that they did.

So did each team have it's own unique colored uniforms, or did they just wear generic home and away NBDL jerseys for each game?

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Interesting that two of the teams - the Greenville Groove and the Mobile Revelers are not playing this year.  What logos would you even make for these nicknames?

Also, apparently the Charleston Lowgators are dropping "North" from their name...as in the North Charleston Lowgators...

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Interesting that two of the teams - the Greenville Groove and the Mobile Revelers are not playing this year. What logos would you even make for these nicknames?

Also, apparently the Charleston Lowgators are dropping "North" from their name...as in the North Charleston Lowgators...

the groove had approximately 400 people in attendance per game last year....hence, the reason they're not playing this year.

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