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Best defensemen


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My vote goes to Bourque and Robinson.  For most of Borque's career and all of Robinson's career, the league was a wide open skating league.  The great defensmen stood out.  Bobby Orr was a great skater and was a great offensive defenseman, but he was never the dominating presence these guys were.  They did it so good for so long.

As for Stevens he is maybe number 5 all time.  You have to take account for him everytime he is on the ice.  This guy completely dominates and sufocates oppenents and he's been doing it since the stone age.  He is such a great player and the only way you can see this is by paying attention to him the whole time and see how well he can crush an offense or make a defensive play come pressure time.

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My vote goes to Bourque and Robinson. For most of Borque's career and all of Robinson's career, the league was a wide open skating league. The great defensmen stood out. Bobby Orr was a great skater and was a great offensive defenseman, but he was never the dominating presence these guys were. They did it so good for so long.

I'm sorry, but no way in the world does Bourque or Robinson finish ahead of Orr. It just doesn't work... dominating presence? Look at the stats:

915 pts, 953 PIM in 657 games for Orr...

958 pts, 793 PIM in 1384 games for Robinson,

1579 pts, 1141 PIM in 1612 games for Bourque...

Sure longevity factors in, but if he plays as many games as Robinson, he outdistances Robinson by 969 pts and 1214 PIM, and likewise for Bourque, whom Orr outdistances by 666 pts and 1197 PIM.

I think both these stats combine to make for an impact player, so if that's what you're basing it on, Orr had a bigger impact, not to mention changing the game for defensemen in terms of opening it up for them to actually score.

Not to mention the 8 Norris Trophies, 3 Harts', and 2 Art Ross'. Robinson? 2 Norris, no Hart, no Art Ross. Bourque? 5 Norris, no Hart, no Art Ross.

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Defensemen aren't supposed to have points, they aren't supposed to score goals, they are there to hit the snot outta guys and keep the puck away from their goaltender, and no one beats Scott Stevens in that department.

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Defensemen aren't supposed to have points, they aren't supposed to score goals, they are there to hit the snot outta guys and keep the puck away from their goaltender, and no one beats Scott Stevens in that department.

Couldn't have put it better my self.

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Defensemen aren't supposed to have points, they aren't supposed to score goals, they are there to hit the snot outta guys and keep the puck away from their goaltender, and no one beats Scott Stevens in that department.

Suit up a team with 6 defecemen like Stevens and see how far you get... then again I'm surprised you even like Stevens, afterall he is Canadian (and such a great player that he didn't even make the olympic team in 2002)


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Defensemen aren't supposed to have points, they aren't supposed to score goals, they are there to hit the snot outta guys and keep the puck away from their goaltender, and no one beats Scott Stevens in that department.

Suit up a team with 6 defecemen like Stevens and see how far you get... then again I'm surprised you even like Stevens, afterall he is Canadian (and such a great player that he didn't even make the olympic team in 2002)

Don't start with that Chris.. different thread, different topic. And if you put a team together with all defensemen like Stevens? the other team doesn't score, that team wins the cup.

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Now, I'm not gonna argue about players I haven't seen play. To put it simple, I can barely give an oppinion on Coffey. I think in terms of a pairing that I can judge I'd take MacInnis and Stevens...actually I'd take Pronger over Stevens, but that's not even a fantasy, and Pronger still has a ways to go before he really earns that...any way, with Stevens you have hard hitter, and pretty much a stubborn defenseman in terms of he won't let you by. In Mac, you have a guy who can score or set up a goal easily with his slapper, and a guy who plays incredibly sound defensive hockey.
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Defensemen aren't supposed to have points, they aren't supposed to score goals, they are there to hit the snot outta guys and keep the puck away from their goaltender, and no one beats Scott Stevens in that department.

Suit up a team with 6 defecemen like Stevens and see how far you get... then again I'm surprised you even like Stevens, afterall he is Canadian (and such a great player that he didn't even make the olympic team in 2002)

Don't start with that Chris.. different thread, different topic. And if you put a team together with all defensemen like Stevens? the other team doesn't score, that team wins the cup.

Hey, your opinion carries over from thread to thread... you only seem to like the Canadians that benefit you, and you only.  Like some sort of modern day... nevermind.

Why am I debating with you anyways?  I'll try to keep my hockey debates with those who are true hockey fans.


Chris Creamer
Founder/Editor, SportsLogos.Net


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Defensemen aren't supposed to have points, they aren't supposed to score goals, they are there to hit the snot outta guys and keep the puck away from their goaltender, and no one beats Scott Stevens in that department.

Suit up a team with 6 defecemen like Stevens and see how far you get... then again I'm surprised you even like Stevens, afterall he is Canadian (and such a great player that he didn't even make the olympic team in 2002)

Don't start with that Chris.. different thread, different topic. And if you put a team together with all defensemen like Stevens? the other team doesn't score, that team wins the cup.

Hey, your opinion carries over from thread to thread... you only seem to like the Canadians that benefit you, and you only. Like some sort of modern day... nevermind.

Why am I debating with you anyways? I'll try to keep my hockey debates with those who are true hockey fans.

Excuse me? I am a true hockey fan, just because my country doesn't have a maple leaf on it doesn't mean i am not a true fan of the game of hockey. You seem to be the one carrying over your opinion of my politics over to my sports. As a player, i like Scott Stevens. Hell, i like every hockey player on the Devils, most of them being Canadian. Does that mean i like them personally? No, i don't know them personally. Nor do i know their politics. What i do know is their talent on the ice, and that is what i admire.

How dare you call me anything BUT a true hockey fan.

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6 Scott Stevens. Would have worked in 1950, not in the modern age. None of them is a power play quarterback, none can lead a rush (though your own team is pretty much making that extinct.), none could turn a game around. THAT is the power of the offensive defenseman.

And anyone who thinks that Defensemen are ONLY there for hitting people is NOT a true hockey fan.  Or maybe a true hockey fan in 1950.

PS What you say does follow you.

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6 Scott Stevens. Would have worked in 1950, not in the modern age. None of them is a power play quarterback, none can lead a rush (though your own team is pretty much making that extinct.), none could turn a game around. THAT is the power of the offensive defenseman.

And anyone who thinks that Defensemen are ONLY there for hitting people is NOT a true hockey fan. Or maybe a true hockey fan in 1950.

PS What you say does follow you.

Things said regarding sports and regarding politics should not be intertwined. I do not hold your extreme anti-americanisim against your sports opinions, Habs. If you can't seperate politics from sports, i feel sorry for you. Maybe if you mature a bit.

And the modern NHL still needs defensement who hit and actually play Defense. I am a hockey purist. Let the forwards worry about scoring. If a defenseman can score one or twice from the point, good for them, but for the most part, Defensemen should be for defense, not for offense. And in the department of defensive defensemen, Scott Stevens is tops....

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6 Scott Stevens. Would have worked in 1950, not in the modern age. None of them is a power play quarterback, none can lead a rush (though your own team is pretty much making that extinct.), none could turn a game around. THAT is the power of the offensive defenseman.

And anyone who thinks that Defensemen are ONLY there for hitting people is NOT a true hockey fan. Or maybe a true hockey fan in 1950.

PS What you say does follow you.

Things said regarding sports and regarding politics should not be intertwined. I do not hold your extreme anti-americanisim against your sports opinions, Habs. If you can't seperate politics from sports, i feel sorry for you. Maybe if you mature a bit.

And the modern NHL still needs defensement who hit and actually play Defense. I am a hockey purist. Let the forwards worry about scoring. If a defenseman can score one or twice from the point, good for them, but for the most part, Defensemen should be for defense, not for offense. And in the department of defensive defensemen, Scott Stevens is tops....

Did I say anything about politics in this thread? Nope.  I just said your words follow you.

And I am NOT anti-American.  I just disgree with the war.  Doesn't make me anti-American.

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Did I say anything about politics in this thread? Nope. I just said your words follow you.

Did i say anything political in this thread? no i did not. I posted an news article in another thread, that discussed the growing rift between the U.S. and Canada, i then made my opinion in THAT THREAD, not this one. This tread was about defensemen until Chris took it upon himself to take a dicussion from one thread, and put it into another one.

Know before you speak...

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Did I say anything about politics in this thread? Nope. I just said your words follow you.

Did i say anything political in this thread? no i did niot. I posted an news article in another htread, that discussed the grawing rift between the U.S. and Canada, i then made my opinion in THAT THREAD, not this one. THis tread was about defensemen until Chris took it upon himself to take a dicussion from one thread, and put it into another one.

Know before you speak...

I was just makin' a point about Chris, I never mentioned politics......

Dare I say it?  Know before you speak.......

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wow, I posted this when Stevens broke the record for most games played by a defensemen, and who you think should start on defense of an all-time nhl team. Let's stop the bickering and keep this on topic.

Habs, personally I'm not a fan of wide open, soft European play. I think hitting is and should stay an important part of Hockey. Stevens can be a threat from the point to score, he has a pretty hard shot. He is an important part of the Devils power-play (which is much improved this year).

The 80's are over. And it was an aberration. It was a time-period that featured some of the worst goaltending in history.

Remember this, offense might win some games, but defense wins championships. And when it comes to playing defense Stevens is up there with the greats.

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I was just makin' a point about Chris, I never mentioned politics......

Dare I say it? Know before you speak.......

Did i ever say YOU brought up politics?

Jkr, you make some mighty fine points.....

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6 Scott Stevens. Would have worked in 1950, not in the modern age. None of them is a power play quarterback, none can lead a rush (though your own team is pretty much making that extinct.), none could turn a game around. THAT is the power of the offensive defenseman.

And anyone who thinks that Defensemen are ONLY there for hitting people is NOT a true hockey fan. Or maybe a true hockey fan in 1950.

PS What you say does follow you.

Things said regarding sports and regarding politics should not be intertwined. I do not hold your extreme anti-americanisim against your sports opinions, Habs. If you can't seperate politics from sports, i feel sorry for you. Maybe if you mature a bit.

Sorry JQK, but that's what it sounds like to me.

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