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Gwinnett Gladiators (ECHL) alternate concept


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It's loosely based on the Atlanta light blue jersey. I decided they needed a red jersey a while back (about 2 seasons ago) and didn't start on it until after the Pensacola @ Gwinnett game in which I saw my Pilots lose 7-4. I used the Thrashers font for the name and a modified version of a bolded Century Gothic for the number.


C&C, por favor.

Athletic Director: KTU Blue Grassers Football

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It's looks good, Geoff. I can honestly say I'm glad you based it loosely enough on the Atlanta powder blues that you didn't repeat spelling out the city name down one arm. I'm also digging the diamond pattern you used in some of the striping.

The only thing I'd change is that socks ? I'd make them red instead of black, with the appropraite change in the striping pattern. Black pants plus black socks equals the dreaded leotard look that is so despised around here. :D

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