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Champions League Changes Inbound?

Fred T. Jane

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Here we go. The FA and G-14 (Read: 18) vs. the new UEFA president, former French star and coach Michel Platini over his proposed changes to Champions League, as soon as 2009. In a move to help out the Little Man in European Football, Platini wants to cap Champions League spots for a league at 3, taking the 4th qualifying spots from the top 3 leagues in Europe and give them to smaller leagues. I for one cannot wait until FC Rànger's makes their debut in the Champions League...

Story in next post... apparently not. <_<



Posted 26/01/07 11:37

Michel Platini celebrated being voted in as the new UEFA president and then announced he will push ahead with controversial changes to the Champions League.

Platini, who won a tough contest against incumbent Lennart Johansson, will present proposals in April which from 2009-10 would limit the number of clubs in Europe's elite competition to three from any one country.

The Football Association and Premier League are expected to go to work to try and persuade Platini to maintain the status quo which allows England, Spain and Italy to have four clubs qualify.

Platini said: "The new format of the Champions League is for 2009.

"I talked about finding a better equilibrium for the number of clubs and that's for 2009-10.

"The final decision will be (by UEFA's executive committee) in April so we have a few months still to see which way we will go, but I would like a better equilibrium, it is very close to my heart."

Many of Platini's backers among the smaller European countries will certainly expect him to pursue that course.

FA chief executive Brian Barwick would not comment on the Champions League plans, saying he wished Platini well and recognising the legacy of Johansson's 17 years in office including the "special event" that the tournament has become.

Speaking at the UEFA Congress in Dusseldorf, Germany, Barwick said: "Michel has been in the post moments and there are lots of conversations to be had going forward."

Asked about the necessity to keep a balance in the Champions League, "Absolutely, it's not worth pre-judging anything, this day is about Michel Platini being successful for which we congratulate him and to thank Lennart Johansson who has done a fantastic job.

"What will go on in the future is in the future. We know Michel very well and we have another four years to get to know him even better."

The 51-year-old Frenchman becomes the most powerful man in European football after he was elected by 27 votes to 23.

He will serve as UEFA president for the next four years and will also replace 77-year-old Johansson as a FIFA vice-president. Platini immediately invited Johansson to become an honorary president of UEFA.

The former France captain and coach said: "This is just the beginning of an adventure.

"I'm happy today to be able to represent European football, I'm very moved and very happy.

"When I was a footballer, when you won a great victory you received a cup and went on a lap of honour. This is a great victory for me but I'm not going to do a lap of honour because now the work starts."

The election victory followed a tense election campaign which descended into bitterness in the days leading up to the vote.

In his final address to the 52 UEFA member associations, Johansson launched an angry attack at FIFA president Sepp Blatter who had publicly backed Platini at the opening of the Congress yesterday.

Johansson said: "I appreciate the FIFA president's words about what we have achieved in the 17 years of my presidency but I cannot appreciate it when the FIFA president interferes in an election process here in UEFA.

"It's not the FIFA president, it is you the Congress taking the decision."

Johansson had appealed for support, saying: "You should never change a winning team and I think I have been the coach of a winning team."

In his speech Platini tried to limit any damage caused by Blatter's remarks.

Platini said: "You have the future of European future in your hands. I have been able to carry out the campaign I wanted and without attacking my opponent.

"We must always see to it that the strong help the weaker ones. Let's defend the national associations against the interests which are threatening them.

"It is a game before a product, a sport before a market, a show before a business."

Platini has tried to appeal to the smaller countries and also supported a proposal by the Scottish FA for UEFA to carry out a feasibility study into expanding the European Championships finals to 24 teams.

The election result was close - had Platini won two fewer votes he would not have achieved an absolute majority of the 50 valid votes and a second ballot would have been held.

Johansson's age has not helped his cause, especially with UEFA having a rule that committee members must retire at the age of 70.

Irish FA president Jim Boyce said: "I am not surprised - Lennart Johansson's age has definitely been a big factor but I have great respect and admiration for the man."

FIFA president Sepp Blatter welcomed the win for Platini, who worked as his special adviser between 1998 and 2002.

Blatter said: "The result is no surprise to me. I'm happy I will be working with someone who has the same vision for football as I do."

The future of UEFA chief executive Lars-Christer Olsson is now in doubt, and the Swede is widely expected to resign.

Platini has announced he is to move to UEFA headquarters in Nyon, Switzerland, to take a more hands-on role than Johansson.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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I'm mixed about this. While only taking three teams sounds like a drastic change, it'll only affect Italy, England and Spain right now (until they get re-ranked in a year or two)....and, really, it's only really taking away a pre-qualifying spot from those leagues, and getting rid of the chance for teams like Everton or, IMO, Sp*rs this year to go two-and-out in the qualifiers.

If this means fewer qualifiers before the season, I like it.

Also, what *I'm* more interested are changes to make the UEFA Cup less of a freaking joke then it is and has been. Parachuting teams makes sense, but allowing so many teams in dilutes the quality; I think this is what they'd want to go for by having fewer teams in the top Champion's League, hopefully having higher-quality teams in the UEFA Cup will bring up the standard of play.

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I may post more just after I have read the George Gillett, the owner of the Canadiens, has put in a bid for Liverpool this week. One which is alledgedly much higher than the Dubai-based offer for the club and would include a replacement for 60,000 seat replacement to Anfield near the current grounds. Go to teh BBC webpage for further news. I am too lazy to have a link.

My Chanpions League comments will be soon, but I think this sounds reasonable and equitable for the sake of parody.

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I'm mixed about this. While only taking three teams sounds like a drastic change, it'll only affect Italy, England and Spain right now (until they get re-ranked in a year or two)....and, really, it's only really taking away a pre-qualifying spot from those leagues, and getting rid of the chance for teams like Everton or, IMO, Sp*rs this year to go two-and-out in the qualifiers.

But who is he going to give it to? <Gratuitous Blog Plug>As I pointed out</Gratuitous Blog Plug>, unless he makes some radical changes to the structure of Champions League, the three spots would get pushed down to the top three leagues with only two spots, namely the Dutch, Greek, and Russian leagues. This isn't helping the "little man" at all, as these are all excellent large leagues. So what is he going to do? Wave his hand and give the three spots to random smaller league second place teams? Or, give them to the league champions of Andorra, San Marino, and the Cup winner from Liechtenstein? Either way you're not doing much, as these teams are going to almost automatically drop back into the UEFA Cup because they will be completely outclassed by the competition.

Colour me biased, but I think it's working just fine. Remember, Liverpool (2004) and Arsenal (2005) finished 4th in the Premier League...and look what happened once they got into the Champions League the next season.

[Croatia National Team Manager Slavan] Bilic then went on to explain how Croatia's success can partially be put down to his progressive man-management techniques. "Sometimes I lie in the bed with my players. I go to the room of Vedran Corluka and Luka Modric when I see they have a problem and I lie in bed with them and we talk for 10 minutes." Maybe Capello could try getting through to his players this way too? Although how far he'd get with Joe Cole jumping up and down on the mattress and Rooney demanding to be read his favourite page from The Very Hungry Caterpillar is open to question. --The Guardian's Fiver, 08 September 2008

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