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West Coast Swing


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That sounds like a great trip.

[offtopic] Lamicus has a great member title and location. [/offtopic]


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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Wow, I was actually just about to go looking for this, as I'm currently on a west coast baseball swing with a buddy of mine. Heres what i've done so far and will finish up with

Sacramento RiverCats vs Las Vegas 51s double header 6/15

Oakland Athletics vs St. Louis Cardinals 6/17

San Diego Padres vs Baltimore Orioles 6/19

Anaheim Angels vs Houston Astros 6/20

San Francisco Giants vs San Diego Padres 6/25

Stockton Ports date and opponent TBD

And since I was unable to give you opne last time, heres my review of PetCo Park

PetCo Park: I had heard it was a nice stadium, but I was truely blown away. It's by far the most unique stadium i've ever been to, and even that can't justify it. Its downright beautiful. They've got such unique features as luxury boxes built into these two huge towers right in the middle of the stands, the old factory (now used as escalators up to higher levels and a beautiful gift shop), a beach right in front of the right field fence, seats so close to the field, bullpen, dugout, ect that you'd be amazed, and just a downright beautiful design. But the thing I noticed about this park over all new parks ive been to is the size. While most of the new parks seem to be a lot more compact and built to fit within a smaller space, PetCo doesn't have that feel at all. In fact, it's enormous. At one point we were sitting in the upper deck and I was starting to get uncomfortable simply because the place looked so big. Another thing I noticed was that all the high rises around the park had bleachers built into either the roofs or along the side of the building. And im nto talking bleachers on top of dinky little buildings, such as in Chicago, I mean full out skyscrapers, 25 stories up with seats bult into the side. One warning though, whatever you do, do NOT get tickets in the bleachers. Not only is the view nearly fully obstructed, but the "beach" in front of you dubs as a giant sandbox for kids and sitting there will completely kill your gaming exerience. Oh, and if you do, dont expect to move, ever. The ushers regulate for all 27 outs and will not budge by any means. And if you are gonna need food or apparel, bring a lot of cash because this place is even more expensive than AT&T. Overall, this is a close second behind AT&T for best in the state, and best in baseball IMO.

Glad to read your review. PetCo and AT&T are definatly the two I'm most looking foreward to on the trip.

Just a quick question, as I'm a bit concerned about something I just learned, however. Diamond Baseball Tours has just informed me that our tickets at AT&T are in the upper deck (Section 332). I've got no problem with that, as I've heard that the view of the Bay is spectacular. What I'm concerned with, though, is that there are some ballparks (US Cellular comes to mind, and you bring up PetCo - where I've got great seats - Sec 117) that won't let you move for the whole game. Is this the case at AT&T? I certainly hope not. I'd be pretty upset to go all the way out there, and not be able to see the whole park...


They're pretty tough in San Fran, but not nearly like they are at PetCo.


On 11/19/2012 at 7:23 PM, oldschoolvikings said:
She’s still half convinced “Chris Creamer” is a porn site.)
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As for things to do before the game at PETCO Park, there's a big bar/restaurant/stores/dance clubs area of downtown called the Gaslamp District. www.gaslamp.org/ We like to head down there for a bite to eat before the game and one of the bars afterwards, especially if the Padres win.

Suffice it to say that pretty much any place (other than the Tin Fish) will have decent food and good brew. There's even a Hookah bar on G Street between 3rd and 4th called Fumari if that's your thing. If anything they make some of the best Hot Cocoa I've ever had. Maybe it was the smoke in the air.

I agree though that PETCO Park for concessions and for souveniers is about as expensive as I've seen (though my experience is limited). There is a merchandise shop down the street which you'll be directed to by people with signs as you get close to the ballpark. Randy Jones BBQ is still good but his food was much better at the old stadium. Hot dogs are average (Hebrew National instead of my preferred Nathan's). The ballpark beer is terrible as expected as is any hot drink you get.

Hopefully you get to the park about an hour early. A walk around the place would be cool. There's a lot to check out. Also about those ushers, I've been able to move around the park at my own will so long as I'm not either constantly up and down, blocking the view of those behind me, causing a disturbance or blocking an aisle or walkway.

In fact, there are a lot of Standing Room Only areas around the park though it would be nice if they were marked better. It might be nice to get a view of the game from a variety of perspectives. One night we watched the game from a different spot every inning and had a blast doing it. Ushers were no problem as long as we behaved and stayed out of people's way. I guess it depends on the usher and what kind of night they're havin.

Check Out My Podcast! Latest Episode 273: The Color Blinky
Latest Photo Upload: January 7, 2012

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As for things to do before the game at PETCO Park, there's a big bar/restaurant/stores/dance clubs area of downtown called the Gaslamp District. www.gaslamp.org/ We like to head down there for a bite to eat before the game and one of the bars afterwards, especially if the Padres win.

Suffice it to say that pretty much any place (other than the Tin Fish) will have decent food and good brew. There's even a Hookah bar on G Street between 3rd and 4th called Fumari if that's your thing. If anything they make some of the best Hot Cocoa I've ever had. Maybe it was the smoke in the air.

I agree though that PETCO Park for concessions and for souveniers is about as expensive as I've seen (though my experience is limited). There is a merchandise shop down the street which you'll be directed to by people with signs as you get close to the ballpark. Randy Jones BBQ is still good but his food was much better at the old stadium. Hot dogs are average (Hebrew National instead of my preferred Nathan's). The ballpark beer is terrible as expected as is any hot drink you get.

Hopefully you get to the park about an hour early. A walk around the place would be cool. There's a lot to check out. Also about those ushers, I've been able to move around the park at my own will so long as I'm not either constantly up and down, blocking the view of those behind me, causing a disturbance or blocking an aisle or walkway.

In fact, there are a lot of Standing Room Only areas around the park though it would be nice if they were marked better. It might be nice to get a view of the game from a variety of perspectives. One night we watched the game from a different spot every inning and had a blast doing it. Ushers were no problem as long as we behaved and stayed out of people's way. I guess it depends on the usher and what kind of night they're havin.

Excelent! This is exactly what I'm looking for. If you checked out my itinerary from the Diamond Baseball Tours page, you'll note that we head directly to the Gas Light District from Las Vegas on the first day (leave Vegas at 9 am, and the game's not 'til 7 pm), so we should have plenty of time to check out both San Diego, and PetCo...

Thanks for the reviews so far, and keep them comming for the other parks (I leave three weeks from this Thursday!).


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PETCO Park= you must get a fish taco. I didn't have one at the park because it was february, but they are still from Rubio's, which is where i got mine. Those tacos are amazing!


koizim said:
And...and ya know what we gotta do? We gotta go kick him in da penis. He'll be injured. Injured bad.

COYS and Go Sox

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I have a ticket for Tony Gwynn night July 21 and a tour ticket for that afternoon. I'm really looking forward to heading to Petco. I'm also getting in a game at Safeco the week before.

Looks like from the dates on the itinnerary I'll be a day behind you for the first two days since I'm going to the Dodgers Mets game on the 22d.

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