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Blue Jays ALT logo


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One of the big troubles Im having is creating a logo, and then polsihing it so it looks like a real logo. I have drawn out a completely new design that looks interesting, but I am having a very hard time vectoring, plishing and just getting it to be "good". Any tips? tuts? or examples would help me out.

You just have to concentrate REALLLLY HARD. And pay attention to every little :censored: detail.

Thats good, but offers me no value cause I have read this like 1000 times on some of the psot here already. Care to offer read advice, anyone who can actually help me out? Someone who is considered "good"?

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Better, but have you ever :censored:ing seen a blue leaf? I sure :censored: haven't. That looks stupid no offense.

Have you seen a red Hawk, an orange Bobcat, a red Bull, a powder blue mountain (Nuggets), a blue armoured Warrior, a blue Grizzly, a green Buck, a turqouise Hornet, a red Raptor? That's just the NBA. Many sports teams have colours that don't exactly match with realism.

Just because everyone hates you and your concepts doesn't mean you should pathetically go after another person's concepts (which are, in fact, much better than yours).


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One of the big troubles Im having is creating a logo, and then polsihing it so it looks like a real logo. I have drawn out a completely new design that looks interesting, but I am having a very hard time vectoring, plishing and just getting it to be "good". Any tips? tuts? or examples would help me out.

You just have to concentrate REALLLLY HARD. And pay attention to every little :censored: detail.

I'll give Gypsy Hunter a good tip, don't listen to patsox...



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Better, but have you ever :censored:ing seen a blue leaf? I sure :censored: haven't. That looks stupid no offense.

I take it that you have something against one of the best :censored: hockey teams to ever :censored: exist?!?!

"Cat Eyes" - Josh


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^Haha your real funny [/sarcasm]

No team, except the Habs, has more tradition then the Leafs. Enough said.

The Leafs were good 40+ years ago, yes I will give you that.

Since 1967 they have been horrible! A few years they had a cup run, but really have nothing to show for anything they have done.

The Dallas Stars have been around since 1993 and have won more stuff then the Leafs have since 1967...

SINCE 1967

- Dallas Stars (since establishment - 93/94): 6 Divison Championships, 2 Western Confrence Championships, 1 Stanley Cup

- Toronto Maple Laffs (since '67/68): 1 Divison Championship

And i'm not even counting the Minnesota North Stars!

LEAFS SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!



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I couldnt give 2 :censored:s about the Stars. Ya they've had good teams and good coaches and gm's that helped make a great team.

The Leafs have had a :censored:ty gm for awhile now and Quinn was a crap coach but now Maurice is a good coach and hopefully the Leafs turn things around.

The Leafs and Habs are the most historic hockey teams...you cant prove me wrong there.

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Marice is a good coach?!?!

The Leafs didn't make the playoffs last year!!

Now i know why they call it Leaf Nation ...


As for the history with the Leafs, I said they were good 40+ years ago ... how you can your team be historic when they haven't done anything for the last 40 years?????



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Back on topic: If you're using photoshop, there's somewhat of a simple way of going about this. Sketch it out first...yes, with paper and pencil. The best advice I can give anyone is to sit down and draw before they do anything. It makes things so much easier. Once you're satisfied with your drawing, clean it up and scan it into Photoshop to add color.

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Marice is a good coach?!?!

The Leafs didn't make the playoffs last year!!

There are plenty of good coaches in the NHL whose team did not make the playoffs. Coaches are given different calibres of teams, and the team Paul Maurice was given was FAR from a contender. Just because the team's talent was obviously lacking doesn't mean the coach is a bad one.

As for the history with the Leafs, I said they were good 40+ years ago ... how you can your team be historic when they haven't done anything for the last 40 years?????

Because the term "history" goes way past the last 40 years? Don't tell me things 40+ years old aren't considered "historic".


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