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San Jose Sharks Concept


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I like the shark facing left, because eyes move left to right (at least North American eyes are trained that way) so it makes sense to see the head first.

I agree with a previous poster who said that the fin logo looks like a wizard cap. Also, the letters in the logo above it look almost like "SD" instead of "SJ." Also, While I typically don't like how you stress the team name really big, and just tack on the city name really little after it (so it reads Sharks San Jose instead of San Jose Sharks) I think it looks pretty nice here. Good job.

Now get back to posting concepts every week like you used to!

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The thing that bothers me that the gray highlighting doesn't have consistent spacing all away around. At first I thought it was just an offset, but it doesn't appear to be that the more I look at it.

Other than that, I really like this and would love to see some jerseys.

P.S. It looks like your bottom shark just had a lunch that fought back as he's missing a couple of teeth there, too.

I once had a car but I crashed it. I once had a guitar but I smashed it. I once, wait where am I going with this?

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This one has a little more of the finished quality I expect from you. The shark is nice. It's a little detailed, but that's your style, and it still looks good. The shark's interaction with the wordmark here is nice as well. The bottom one without the box around San Jose is ten times better than the top-left one. I don't like the fin logo much, though. Seems like an afterthought.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

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