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Oklahoma Outlaws..USFL (Updated)


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Being an old skool kind of guy, of course I loved the USFL. I know a bunch of you guys were probably babies during that time, but to those of use who grew up during that time, who loved spring football...I dedicate this to you. Okay here we go....and to those of you who can spit out ten concepts in a day I ask you, please go out and enjoy the summer...two a weekend is kicking my :censored:



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Overall it's a solid design.

I would go with a red helmet with black stripes. I think a red helmet would really help the logo "pop".

Also, I would go with a more traditional # font. The "wild west" font you're using seems to gimmicky. On top of that, IMO, it seems like it would be illegible from even a short distance.

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Icecap, "A slop-free concept forum is the right of all sentient beings".

But about the concept at hand, very good work. I like the overall design (except the numbers, but that's my personal taste), however you need to alter the helmet or the logo to make it stand out more. As was previously stated, it's getting lost in the helmet.

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Over all I like the look. But I tend to agree with the others. The logo would be imposable to see on TV and in the stands. And the font is to hard to read. You could thin it out, or use the font UCLA used to use, I don't recall the name. Personally as a former player, I hated black helmets, too effing hot. Go with either the Red/Garnet or white.


Giving money and power to government is like giving whiskey and car keys to teenage boys.

P. J. O'Rourke

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Icecap, "A slop-free concept forum is the right of all sentient beings".

Brilliant! Well played.

All though I think comparing (sort of) Patsox to Megatron is a tad unfair to Megs.

You're right. This also means Optimus agrees with Starscream. This is getting strange.

One more thing I noticed on the concept, I would try a few different facemask colors, the red stripe looks a little out of place without more red in either the logo or the facemask.

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'Cap said everything I was thinking already.

All in all, I like this update. But the black logo on a black helmet is damn near impossible to see in your graphic; imagine how anyone not within 3 feet of a real helmet would feel looking at it. Also, those numbers are gimmicky to the point of being hokey. The "1" looks phallic, and the "2" would be easily confused with a "5", "6", "8" or "9", at which point the spotter in the TV/radio booth would hang themselves in frustration. If you're trying to identify players through uniform numbers, then make sure they do their job. Legibility wins the tiebreaker over aesthetics in this case, every time. Just ask the Tampa Bay Bucs, and that pirate-style font that'll never see an NFL game field...

Those two thoughts aside, I like the concept a lot. The red helmet makes a world of difference. Good stuff!

"Start spreading the news... They're leavin' today... Won't get to be a part of it... In old New York..."


In order for the Mets' run of 12 losses in 17 games to mean something, the Phillies still had to win 13 of 17.

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