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Thanks for all the comments, and sorry about the delay in posting.

Regarding the removal of black from the Stars, I don't really think it is necessary when they have dark green, and I think it is a cleaner look without it.

As for the Wild circle logo, I know a lot of people really like the original, but I never did. I didn't even realize it was supposed to be a bear or whatever for a couple years until someone pointed it out, I just thought it was a forest scene. I just think the circle looks better, but thats just me.

And sorry to Derek Boogaard for misspelling his name, I knew that looked weird, probably should have checked it. ^_^

Anyways, next up is Atlanta. This one may be controversial as I one of the few who liked the Atlanta blue third jersey. Even though it isn't symmetrical, I just think it is a cool and unique design so I kept it. I made the road jersey more consistent with the home, made powder blue the main color, and got rid of the red - aside from the logo. I also removed the hockey stick from the logo, because we know you're a hockey team, every logo doesn't' need a bloody stick.


Oh yeah, anyone who wants my template, pm me your email address and I can send you one, it's in psd form.

I'm one of the biggest fans of atlantas baby blue along with the 'ATLANTA' down the arm, but something about this whole package doesn't seem right (imo). Firstly, the logo looks really, really odd. It's just an arm curled up, it looks better with the hockey stick. Second, i'd remove the thrasher head logo and just use the T bird logo. Third, the home and roads are inconsistent. On the home, only one arm is covered in blue, while on the road, both arms are covered.

Other than that good job.


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