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Detroit Lions


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i have been thinking of re-doing the lions again, so...i uh.....did....i guess.

anyways, i went with more of a modern look, using the nike template, but i toned it down a bit, and went for a tear logo.

i decided to get rid of those stripes, and went back to a old style, blank helmet, and slapped the logo on the side. kind of past meets future type thing i guess. i wanted to sort of use the silver sparingly.

as far as the wordmark goes, i used sort of a sloppy, hand drawn font for the detroit script, to convey sort of the hip, almost, not gangster but, slick? i guess part of Detroit. and then i used more of a block font, similar to thier current one to show the more industrial/powerful part of motown.

take whatever you can out of what i just said about the script, because i guess its hard to explain.

im not sure if it screams NFL, but i think it looks cool.

anyways, CNC as usual:




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The template screams Arena Football and the logo is too much like the Orlando Predators. It would work for possibly a Detroit Arena team (probably unlikely since the Fury couldn't stay around), but not for a team like the Lions.

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because, like you said its a concept, and i can do whatever i want, so HA!

and, yeah, it prolly is more arena-ish, but its cool to think about eh? you think it might be more NFL if i got rid of the big stripe (black on the home one) on the jersey, and just left the piping?

thanks for the comments,



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I think it looks fine. It may be more arena-ish, but who cares? Looks nice.

I like the scratch logo but maybe you should have a secondary of a Lion? The wordmark is pretty good but scrap the "Detroit" font. Also , the helmet looks kinda more like a lacrosse helmet(the template, not your design).

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ah, the difference between an experienced designer, and one who hasnt yet started his Graphic Design courses yet. Davidsons looks great.

i do remember seeing this one, now that it has been posted. however, i didnt copy this one if anyone was thinking that. trying to one-up davidson is tough, if not impossible.


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