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East Texas Pump Jacks Unis / Best Logos in Collegiate Summer Baseball

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The East Texas Pump Jacks of college summer baseball's Texas Collegiate League have unveiled their caps and uniforms.

The cap logos are as follows:


The donkey logo will appear on the Dark Forest home caps, while the dinosaur logo will appear on the Cardinal (Burgundy) road caps.

The jerseys and pants of the home uniforms will be White with Black piping. The Pump Jacks name will be emblazoned across the front of the jerseys in Cardinal with a Black drop-shadow. Numbers on the front and back of the jerseys will be Dark Forest outlined in Black.


The road uniform jerseys will be Black, while the road pants will be Grey. There is no piping on the road uniforms. East Texas will be emblazoned across the front of the jerseys in White with a Cardinal drop-shadow. Numbers on the front and back of the jerseys will be Dark Forest outlined in Cardinal.


Happening across this news got me to thinking about which teams have the best, professional-quality logo packages in collegiate summer baseball. To be sure, the vast majority of teams competing at this level of baseball utilize pretty rudimentary logos. That said, I set out to determine a "Top Ten Collegiate Summer Baseball Logos" list. It was a good thing I limited myself to just ten, as the pickings were even slimmer than I thought that they would be.

That said, here's my list:

Top Ten Collegiate Summer Baseball Logos

1) East Texas Pump Jacks (Texas Collegiate League)

2) Forest City Owls (Coastal Plain League)

3) Peninsula Pilots (Coastal Plain League)

4) Brazos Valley Bombers (Texas Collegiate League)

5) Springfield Sliders (Central Illinois Collegiate League)

6) Rochester Honkers (Northwoods League)

7) Outer Banks Daredevils (Coastal Plain League)

8) Fort Collins Foxes (Mountain Collegiate Baseball League)

9) Duluth Huskies (Northwoods League)

10) Laramie Colts (Mountain Collegiate Baseball League)

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Top Ten Collegiate Summer Baseball Logos

1) East Texas Pump Jacks (Texas Collegiate League)

2) Forest City Owls (Coastal Plain League)

3) Peninsula Pilots (Coastal Plain League)

4) Brazos Valley Bombers (Texas Collegiate League)

5) Springfield Sliders (Central Illinois Collegiate League)

6) Rochester Honkers (Northwoods League)

7) Outer Banks Daredevils (Coastal Plain League)

8) Fort Collins Foxes (Mountain Collegiate Baseball League)

9) Duluth Huskies (Northwoods League)

10) Laramie Colts (Mountain Collegiate Baseball League)

How could you leave off the Alexandria Beetles, I love their logo.

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those are both really nice logos and the wordmark is BEAUTIFUL...i guess i understand why the team is going with two logos, it seems very odd that they can't settle on one

on the top 10 list, i'd bump the honkers down below the daredevils and foxes (really, the "R" logo is the only part of their identity that really does it for me) and i'd bump the huskies off completely (replaced by the columbia blowfish...coastal plain league)

the edenton steamers have some real potential - if someone cleaned their stuff up, they could knock the laramie mustangs off the list, as well

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on the top 10 list, i'd bump the honkers down below the daredevils and foxes (really, the "R" logo is the only part of their identity that really does it for me)...

I'd originally had the Daredevils' logo ranked just ahead of Rochester's, but I really like the Honkers' "goose-in-flight" logo.

... and i'd bump the huskies off completely (replaced by the columbia blowfish...coastal plain league)

I'm not a fan of the Columbia Blowfish logo. In my opinion, while it strikes me as a clever idea, the logo's composition is too cluttered and the artwork is too crudely rendered to merit a spot in my "Top Ten" list.

... the edenton steamers have some real potential - if someone cleaned their stuff up, they could knock the laramie mustangs off the list, as well

Potential? Sure. That said, Edenton's logo is another non-starter for me. It looks like something that was dashed off in under a minute and slapped on the menu of a roadside seafood shack.

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If it wasn't for that black jersey, I'd absolutely love this set. It really just doesn't fit. Go with a cardinal or green jersey, and this set is great(er). I still like it a lot, but that black jersey just blows.

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