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Carolina Loggerheads Logo Concept


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Its been awhile since I've sat down and did a logo for fun or even a sports logo at that...my scanner has been broken and I usually like to sketch my logos and then clean them up before I vector them in Illustrator. I'm not fully satisfied with this logo...seems something is missing from it, it just doesn't look complete to me.

Once I get the logo right, I'm gonna come with some secondary logos and some uniforms (not sure whether baseball or football yet) but I'd appreciate any C&C to help out.


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This looks very nice, the only thing I'd suggest is using a different shade of blue for the shell, or a darker shade of green.

Right now, the colors don't flow well enough IMO.



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not a bad start...the highlights are off, though - the light source would have to be below the turtle for highlights to be located where they are - the spots are also a bit over the top for me...tone those down a bit - maybe you could use a lighter or darker shade of your main green and use the "gold" for the shell, because the blue isn't working for me either - it also seems like it's missing it's back right flipper

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I really like what is going on here-


-Different color scheme. The light blue shell just is not working here.

-From the viewer's angle, it seems that if we can see the turtle's tail, that we should also be able to see the back right leg, which is totally missing.

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i agree that the lighting is off. his left flipper has a highlight on the backside of it, which would make the lightsource underneath him.

the more that i look at his head, the more i think that we should be able to see his other nostril (maybe its being covered by the lighting?) see maryland:


also, if you look at marylands, the terp has "neckrolls" which yours doesnt. it doesnt appear that your turtles head can contract into its body.

i agree that he needs a back leg, and tone down the spots because as of now he looks kind of...well...camo.

i think this is going to be a very cool concept if you just touch him up a bit. i would really like to see this expanded.



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also, if you look at marylands, the terp has "neckrolls" which yours doesnt. it doesnt appear that your turtles head can contract into its body.
the head of a sea turtle (which would encompass the loggerhead variety) does not contract in the same way that a land turtle's does...i don't think you need to change that aspect

looking at this again today, though, reminds me that you should apply some counter-shading - most pelagic animals are primarily white or lighter shaded on the bottom portion of their body - this counter shading allows them to be camoflauged to predators below them as they will better blend with the rays of light coming from above

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