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This is going to be a fun one. Let's start throwing out some ideas. I think it would be cool to do a football player, since you don't see football players with logos very often. I am open to other sports too though. I think it would be good to pick somebody with a recognizable nickname we can work off from.

And how about Chestnutz for task manager, now that he is back?


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Was just about to volunteer. I'll gladly be it.

This'll be a fun challenge, definitely, and something all of us can play a big role in. Football would be tough I think but I'd be fine with it. Being a big soccer fan I'd love to do that (several soccer players have them). Here's a simple question you can ask yourself: when you think of young athletes today, who do you think best represents their sport. Someone who's name is immediately recognized as a star throughout the world. Maybe even pick someone lesser known but is sure to be a star, i.e. Evan Longoria, Darren McFadden, Derrick Rose.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Chestnutz has my vote


Sidney Crosby - SC87

Evgeni Malkin - E71 EM EM71

Alexander Ovechkin (even though I hate him :D ) - AO A8 AO8

Evan Longoria - EL 3L

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Well, the sports I know most about are football and basketball, so I would prefer one of those, but something else is fine too. Calvin Johnson or Ernie Sims would be a couple homer picks of mine. CJ will break out this season, I think, and Sims is under the radar because he is a Lion, but dude's a beast. Also, if Kevin Smith would have gotten 24 as a Lion, his old 24k nickname would have been cool.


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I am.

I think we should try a sport that this hasnt been done with yet, like Soccer or Hockey. Maybe football or baseball, but going with a sport thats alittle off of the beaten path, per se, might work.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Ok so it seems everyone's cool with that, so I'll just take control right now, and give out some "suggested requirements" if that makes sense haha. Here's what I'd like everyone on the team to do by tomorrow night...

Everyone should brainstorm and come up with at least 2 athletes that could be usable. Tomorrow night I'd like everyone to "show and tell" who they thought of, list nicknames if they have any, their number, possible ideas if you've gone that far, or even a rough sketch of a possible logo. The sooner we get organized and get going, the better it'll be in the long run. So, if you have time even, sketch some logos with a pencil or something. Anything, ANYTHING, can be posted. Don't be afraid.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Also, with player logos usually being pretty simple, and that being almost the only requirement, I think we definitely need to add some extra stuff to our package. We should have plenty of time to finish the logo, and do some things that aren't required of us, so let's set our goals for this one higher than just what we have to do.

And some ideas for players, which I will definitely add to by tomorrow night.

Calvin Johnson - #81 - He is very young, freakishly athletic, and doesn't get into trouble. Nicknames are CJ or Megatron.

Adrian Peterson - #28 - I personally think he is overrated, being that he has only played one year, and it was behind a great line, but he is also very well known, and young. Nicknamed A.D. or All Day.


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My thought is to do something other than Basketball. Basketball players make up a large portion of athletes with logos. Football and Soccer are both VERY popular sports, one nationally and one internationally. Lots of soccer players have logos, but I don't think as much as basketball, and football I can't think of one off the top of my head with a logo. I'm not a big NFL fan, but I'm not a big NBA fan either, however I can name plenty of NBA players with logos without thinking twice.


Christiano Ronaldo- Nike #7...one of the biggest names in soccer, as far as I know

Hope Solo-Nike #18...might as well at least throw it out there. ;)

Wayne Rooney-Nike #9 or #10...reason i put him is cause I think that something cool can be done regarding this.


Calvin Johnson-? #81...Megatron? That could be a cool robot type logo.

Tim Tebow- Nike #15...there's a lot of risk in doing this one I think, since he isn't a pro yet, but he's certainly proven himself as a college quarterback, and using him would tie in nicely with PDC.

Brett Favre-? #4...You see Michael Jordan stuff all the time...why not Brett Favre?


Also, for the presentation, I think we should do not only a simple layout of t-shirts and stuff, but some action stuff, too. Maybe even a magazine add showcasing the products we design with the logo would be cool, in my opinion. The whole point of these logos are to market the products.

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Calvin Johnson - #81 - He is very young, freakishly athletic, and doesn't get into trouble. Nicknames are CJ or Megatron.

At Georgia Tech, we called him CJ and The Truth.

Yeah, the Name Megatron was given to him by fellow Lions receiver Roy Williams.


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Okay, here is another one.

Devin Hester - #23 - Nicknames - the Windy City Flyer, or Anytime. I think something very unique could be done with this one. No, he isn't a QB, RB or receiver, but he is very popular, especially with younger kids.


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Calvin Johnson I agree could be cool with the Megatron name, and Hester could be good too.

BTW, Cristiano Ronaldo does have a "logo" it's just his signature really. It's on his personalized products, like the shinguards I have.

Also, another player idea - AK-47, Andrei Kirilenko. Lots of possibilities there.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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