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Hahaha, I feel the same way devin. Every other time I look at it, I really like it. Then I look at it again, and get the same feeling, that it needs something more. If you want, you can try adding a silhouette of a rose or something into it. I tried hiding a "1" in there, but that's such a hard number to put in.

The thing is, adding something to it would probably lose the simplicity, which is the good thing about it now. That is part of the reason I am so unsure about it, and keep changing my mind every few minutes. :P I might mess around with it a little bit, but I highly doubt anything I do to it will actually make it look better.


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It still needs to flow a lot better together. Kinda just like Rose is on top of a random picture of a flower. I understand you're probably no photoshop genius, but yeah. I'll work on something tomorrow, but NEED to decide on something. Fast.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Ok I am back, but totally freaking exhausted. My flight back home was cancelled and I ended up spending like 24 hours in JFK airport.

I really like the direction of the Rose logo. I have an idea for it but I'm way too exhausted to do anything at the moment except sleep so I'll be back in the afternoon tomorrow.

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yay, so glad an outsider disregards the rules yet again!

It's weird, it seems like so many of the "outsiders" love the Hester logo, but some of us on the team like the Rose. Makes you wonder what the judges will think. I think it's a big win or big lose situation. The Rose logo IMO is more a risk/reward, the judges may love it for its pure simplicity but also hate it for that fact. The Hester seems to be pretty conservative, no real dislikes from anyone.

It's a tough decision, but I think either way we've got a good shot of winning. Not to put down Optimus in any way, but I think our logo is very solid and can beat theirs.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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Right. Maybe we can work on presentations for both tomorrow (well, technically, the rest of today [tuesday]) and make the decision Wednesday morning on which to use?

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Right. Maybe we can work on presentations for both tomorrow (well, technically, the rest of today [tuesday]) and make the decision Wednesday morning on which to use?

That is kinda what I was thinking. It can't hurt to have either one ready just in case. I like the Hester ad, but the location of the words and logos are bugging me. The reebok logo is really close to the edge, the words are a little farther from it, and the DH is even farther. Also, things seem concentrated to the bottom right corner. Try playing with the placement of the logo and words. Other than that, it is nice.


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Sounds good. I'll work on my Rose presentation. Devin, not to put too much on you or anything, but you seem to be the guy with the templates so when we put the logo on the vector templates, you're going to need to do it. I also don't have our newsletter template if that's what we need to use. Can we just decide on what to put each logo on?

I'd say for Rose...


under armour type of sleeveless shirt or practice jersey




Basically same for Hester only sports-specific

Oh and I believe I've said this, but make sure Under Armour is sponsoring him, not reebok. UA does in real life.

Devin, I really liked that design on the t-shirt you had for Hester a couple pages back. Great thing about it is Rose is from Chicago too, so if you could insert the Rose logo in for Hester's and did some color changing, I think it'd look sick.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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This was done rather quickly. Nothin too special, but its an idea. It came from an attempt to imitate the Oranje ad Chestnutz posted on the previous page.


Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Alright, let's take a vote on a logo right now. It'll be easier to do one whole thing instead of two obviously, and we can all focus our efforts towards one logo now.

Honestly, I'm fine with either one. I'll just say Hester. No Rose. No...

Ok, I really can't decide. If I need to vote, I will, but I'd rather not.

Devin, just to repeat myself, could you make some of the clothes with the actual vector template? If you get those to me soon, I'll photoshop some real life images of the logo, and also once we decide on one I'll make an ad. I'd just feel better if we decided on one now, so I can start making some presentation stuff.

And look who randomly decided to make an ad as well <_<


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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I love both logos, but as somebody said before, the Hester is easier to understand. So I vote Hester.

For the ads and presentation and whatnot, I this might have been implied, but we should do two "lines" of gear and clothes having both game wear and street wear. For game wear we can have the slogan "Catch him if you can" and for street wear we can use "fly" and play off both meanings of the word.

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I really like both, but I vote Hester.

And look who randomly decided to make an ad as well <_<


Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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Okay, sorry I haven't been around today. I just got home from work. It is funny you mentioned the skyline on the Rose shirt, because I did that last night. I put it on some shorts, a headband and socks. I will post it in a few minutes.


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Here is the Rose logo on some apparel.


edit: Also, I have to work tomorrow morning at 11, but will be around until then. Any suggestions on what I should work on? I think Maybe I should do a wordmark type thing to go with the Hester logo if we decide to do it. Some shoes should be done too.

Oh, and Maz, if you have the time, could you mess with the alignment of some of the pieces in the Hester ad?


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Oh, and Maz, if you have the time, could you mess with the alignment of some of the pieces in the Hester ad?

I really wish I could, but I was too careless to save it in photoshop format. No matter, I think chestnutz said he will do the final ad.

Btw, the shrt and stuff look better with the Hester logo.

Pittsburgh Arsenal - Elite Football League (NFL) - 2006  |  New Orleans JazzCats - Major League Hockey (AHL) - 2023

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K, Hester it is. I've run into a problem though, and that is that I was just at the hospital for several hours with a bad allergic reaction to something. They packed me up on some benadryl, so I'm very tired, and may not be able to do what I can. Another problem is I have volunteer work starting at 8 am tomorrow, so won't be around at noon. I'll write the stuff up since I am the PM, but I won't really be able to post it, so if I could send it to one of you, that'd be great. My assumption is we won't have everything done by tonight, so stuff will still need to be done in the morning. Therefore it's impossible for me to write stuff about that. If anyone would like to step up and write it, that'd be great, perhaps Devin because he created the Hester logo. I'll work on the ad, and I'll put the logo on some real gear that's simple. The more advanced detailed stuff (like the skyline) will be very hard for photoshop, so we'll just leave that to the templated picture.


erikas | go birds | dribbble 

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I really like both, but I vote Hester.
And look who randomly decided to make an ad as well <_<


Optimus has taken the advertisement idea as well. Not saying they took our idea, but..

Not just that, but they are very similar in style... Oh well....

Also, I won't be able to do anything tomorrow morning either, because I will probably instead stay up late tonight, then wake up just early enough to get to work.


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