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Indoor Football League Unveils New Identity

Brian in Boston

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The Intense Football League and United Indoor Football have merged operations. The new league created in the wake of the merger will be known as the Indoor Football League. The league's logo is...


The eagle looks like his wings would be too short to fly with.



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I can't put my finger on it, and I know there are only so many ways you can render an eagle, but this seems like something I've seen before. I dunno, maybe I'm just having a bit of deja vu. :wacko:


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The eagle looks like his wings would be too short to fly with.

In all honesty, it looks like an eagle with the wings of an owl.

There's nothing wrong with a little stylization when depicting an eagle's wings. Look at the official seal of just about any U.S. government agency, and their wings won't be big enough either. (The exception being the eagle on the Great Seal, which is quite realistic.)

What I don't understand is why there is an eagle here at all. It's too specific, such that it says "eagle!" not "indoor football!" Makes it look like a team logo, not a league logo. If this logo were for the, um, Inner Florida Eagles, it would be a good piece of work. But as a league logo, it strikes me as a complete miss. I'd give it a D at best as a league logo.

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The Intense Football League and United Indoor Football have merged operations. The new league created in the wake of the merger will be known as the Indoor Football League. The league's logo is...


The eagle looks like his wings would be too short to fly with.

I think that's social commentary based upon two leagues that shouldn't exist.


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