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another OKC logo concept


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I was sitting in a really boring meeting today, and my mind wandered onto the much maligned Thunder logo. I just can't believe that with a name like "Thunder", which could have so many connotations and interesting visual interpretations, they came up with such a lackluster look. Anyway, I started sketching and came up with this. It's a really staggeringly obvious concept, but i guess even the obvious was lost on whomever was in charge of that mess.

Anyway, let me know what you think.


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sorry to butt in here but does anyone know the name of the real thunder font arched above logo?

Industria Bold

as for the logo, i like the clever idea, but as ppl have said, it seems like an alternate logo for a more finished logo in a set. i like those colors btw, try to make something inspired by this, but a bit more involved, maybe with the whole word THUNDER.

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