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Conquistadors Logo


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Your latest is much nicer. I think you need to connect the S and T in the middle of the word so they form a ligature and tigthen them up a bit because there is too much negative (red) space between those letters compared to the others. Creates a hole or void in the center of the word. I also believe the tail of the Q needs to be thicker, or the bottom of you RS ligature needs to be a little thinner (or both) to even them out.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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I see this alot on these blogs. Pay attention to your anatomy, size and scale, Perspective too. The arm on this guy is way out of proportion, Otherwise not bad.

Im not saying youre wrong but would you care to elaborate. Youre probably right and I may see what you are seeing but to make sure could you be more specific. does the arm need to be longer as in moving the elbow joint up and to the left thus making the arm longer? or is it the puffy shoulder under shirt that isnt coming across? i cant do a lot with vague feedback thats all

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I think you could work on the puffy shoulders of that shirt a little. I mean, I got that it was supposed to be one of those Spanish colonial shirts, but I'd rather see the panels of it more rounded and bulbous rather than depicted with sharp spike-like shadows as they are now. Speaking to proportions, I think you probably could lengthen the upper arm a bit, but I wouldn't do it by moving the elbow out. I would actually move the shoulder closer to the face. When you mimic this pose, pretending to wield a weapon like so, you'll notice that the shoulder naturally moves upward and a little bit closer to the cheekbone.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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I think you could work on the puffy shoulders of that shirt a little. I mean, I got that it was supposed to be one of those Spanish colonial shirts, but I'd rather see the panels of it more rounded and bulbous rather than depicted with sharp spike-like shadows as they are now. Speaking to proportions, I think you probably could lengthen the upper arm a bit, but I wouldn't do it by moving the elbow out. I would actually move the shoulder closer to the face. When you mimic this pose, pretending to wield a weapon like so, you'll notice that the shoulder naturally moves upward and a little bit closer to the cheekbone.

ah yes I think I see what you mean now. I will make the changes. this logo is taking a while to get right but when its finally there i'll be happy to have it right

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I repositioned and lengthened the arm thus lengthening it...I hope. I really hope this is better. When I now look at the old one it looks like his arm is out of socket somewhat. made the puffy shoulder thing more curvy altered the S to T connection. Before I really didnt consider it was a problem with the space between the T and the extra red. Its just the nature of the letter T but hopefully this got rid of that space to be more pleasing to the eye.


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What you have here is 'acceptable' for lack of a better term. You haven't nailed it, but the things you need to do to make it exceptional are things that cannot be readily explained; things that can only be shown to you by someone who knows how to do them. You simply may not be able to see them at this point, but if you go back and look at this in a year, you'll probably be able to make those changes.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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Wow, what you've got here is great, no complaints whatsoever, looks amazing! Great work! Any plans to expand the brand to include uniforms, court designs, etc?

I may add a secondary logo, maybe a court down the road. I am not very creative with jerseys so probably not jerseys, at least not for a while. And I guess AndrewH finds it 'acceptable' so I will have to live with that...I guess. I often do go back old logos Ive done when I first started using Illustrator 1 1/2 yrs ago and do find things to change so maybe that will happen here as AndrewH says since that is all he says.

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At a certain point you've just been looking at the thing for so long that you can't 'see' it. You can look at it, but you can't see it anymore. That's when you just have to let it sit. Maybe next year it'll take the leap from being a good idea to a portfolio piece, or maybe it takes a couple rounds of revisions, but eventually, it'll get there. It's already very good, so it doesn't have that far to go. Just since you've posted it it's gotten much much better.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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Yea Andrew I know what your saying. Sometimes I know when I step away for awhile I see it as a regular viewer and not the guy designing it which is good. I already dislike the first version of this when I look back and mostly happy with the progress it made. maybe in the future I will alter it some more. Im still learn a little with every logo I do

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I like the basic concept, especially the colors. The overall design corrections you are making have really sharpened the logo up. I love your design!!! Great Job!

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