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Armed Forces Bowl

Stand Up 8

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Well the AF cadets are not the troops, not until they commision as officers, and if they are freshman or sophmores, by the time they graduate armed action may be over. This is why they do these things. Army/Navy did it last year, it's just a way to say they are thinking of us until they can get there. Beleive me, when you are over there little things like this count. The guys in theatre put up yellow ribbons for the guys who don't make it (usually in your own batallion or division). During the game they showed the story on the helmet and I'm almost positive it was the AF's camo. We are all one big family, but I'm Army - I'm not going to wear their camo (even though we all used to wear the same!)

BTW, I found this site while I was there in 04, that's when I joined CCSLC, and it was the best thing for me all year!

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I actually don't like color vs. color games. I don't understand everybody's love for them. I have no idea who the home team is or who the higher ranked team is.

Bowls with conference tie-ins usually alternate home/away with the conferences so the higher ranked team could be wearing white and be the visiting team if it's their conference's turn to do so...

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Now if only we could get Air Force to ditch the black and return to silver.

Its funny my brother played baseball there and they wanted black hats or black alt jerseys and the academy told them no they could only use blue white silver.

So its just football that uses black.

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