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In defense of Olbermann he was a sports broadcster before he was a political broadcaster! Actually he is pretty annoying!

I'm no fan of Ben Affleck, but in my opinion, his best work EVER was this spoof of Keith Olbermann from Saturday Night Live. Hilarious and really nailed Olbermann's self-righteous, self-centered attitude.

Here is the most irronic thing in the :censored:ing world.

Ready for it

Its a bombshell

Its humongeous

Set your faces to stunned






Keith Olberman was my favorite Sportscenter host before he became a manical liberal on MSNBC.

So he isn't you're favourite Sportscaster anymore because of his politcal beliefs? rock.gif

Imagine if he became the GM of the Mets

... and won the World Series...

I saw, I came, I left.

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When my family first got cable ('93), ESPN 2 was just getting going. "The Deuce" was far different than what it is now - it was supposed to be edgier, and it had it's own version of Sports Center. IIRC, Olberman was the anchor (along with Suzie Kolber I think - I remember rubbing more than one out to her, FYI) but he wore a leather jacket and had a mustache. I could be misremembering, but I think it was him. Eventually they gave up on the Deuce gimmick and just made it an extension of ESPN.

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When my family first got cable ('93), ESPN 2 was just getting going. "The Deuce" was far different than what it is now - it was supposed to be edgier, and it had it's own version of Sports Center. IIRC, Olberman was the anchor (along with Suzie Kolber I think - I remember rubbing more than one out to her, FYI) but he wore a leather jacket and had a mustache. I could be misremembering, but I think it was him. Eventually they gave up on the Deuce gimmick and just made it an extension of ESPN.

Yeah that was him, Olberman doing SC occasionally back than and than eventually had the best SC partnership ever with Dan Patrick.

I remember Olberman on SC back as far as 1992 when ads first appeared by homeplate and he made fun of it by saying this highlight occured in the beer portion of the game.

Guh and Jalooka Poliooka were my favorite catch phrases and the coolest thing he did was wearing a black arm band the day the 1994 season was cancelled.



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In defense of Olbermann he was a sports broadcster before he was a political broadcaster! Actually he is pretty annoying! Maybe we could just ban him from all broadcasting?

And Al Michaels has made his political views well known, would he fall into a ban of this type?

I guess what I am saying is that they should ban stupid ass broadcasters who have nothing interesting to say rather than fixating on the political stuff. I'd much prefer to listen to Michaels talk about football than I would Rush or Miller or Olbermann.

Except more and more often lately, Michaels can't seem to just do his job without cramming his politics into it. I remember last year a player got up-ended during a Patriots home game and he said "well, we're in the right state for flip-flopping."

At least guys like Howard Cosell knew to STFU about politics unless it directly related to what they were doing (i.e. Muhammad Ali & Vietnam).

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