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illwauk's Random NFL Concepts


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I was just looking through my files and saw that I have a bunch of NFL concepts that I haven't posted yet. I put the "random" part in the title because this isn't an actual series, it's more of a grab bag of concepts that I executed as the inspiration hit. So I may end up having two (or even more) concepts posted for one team before I've even posted my first one for some others.

First up, the Baltimore Ravens.



If you don't know what I'm going for here, you should be smacked upside the head with a thick and dense book on the history of pro football. I got this idea from another thread where a number of Ravens fans mentioned how many Baltimorians feel that the city's only true football team is the Colts. As such, I'd particularly like to hear from Ravens fans to see how well this would go over.

At first, I wanted to use purple instead of black, but they ended up looking like discolored imitations of the Colts rather than a team with its own significant history. Using black makes it clear that while the uniforms are obviously influenced by the Colts, they are in fact a different team with a different identity. I also think the use of only black and white gives them an eerie quality that's perfect for a team called the Ravens. It would also make them the only major pro team in North America with those colors.

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To me they still look like discolored immitations of the colts. i was always under the impression that baltimore fans were pretty happy with the colors and identity of the ravens. they have a unique color scheme and a little history behind it as well by now with a super bowl ring and a lot of post season appearences.

If you want to try and merge the identities then it should be more of a stylized double striple scheme. The blandness of the striping doesnt match the modern logo on the helmet.

Also, there are plenty of black and white pro teams. white sox, kings, spurs maybe they have a little sliver but black and white is hardley unique...certainly not more unique than purple, black, and gold.

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Based on the critiques of my Ravens concept, I've gone back to the drawing board and coming up with something that looks more like a mash-up of the classic Colts and current Ravens identities.

But with the Packers new throwbacks being unveiled yesterday, I decided to post my Packers concept a little early.







My goal with these was to find a way to eliminate the "sleeve" stripes, but still have something that people would identify as the Packers without them looking generic.

These unis are based on the so-called "Classic Lambeau" uniforms that were the basis for the Packers 1994 throwbacks. I tweaked the gold to a "metallic mustard" similar to what LSU used on their pro-combat uniforms since the Packers have also used that shade of gold (or at least one close to it) at various points in their history. I also felt it helped drive home the whole "old school" theme and they would be the only team in the entire league to use that shade. I decided on green shoulder yokes on the road unis because I've heard many people claim the Packers current roads are "too yellow" which I have to agree with. The alts are faithful recreations of what they wore in the 30s and 40s. Because apparently throwbacks can get away without having TV numbers, I didn't include them since they obviously weren't wearing TV numbers back then. The helmet stripe has been changed to a single green one since it's easier to put on modern helmet designs. Overall, I feel I have something that brings the Packers into the 21st Century while still effectively acknowledging their history.

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I felt like these couldn't truly be appreciated on flat templates, so I also put them on some action templates. I don't have a program that can put the helmet logos or TV numbers on, but you get the basic idea.







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