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1st Personal Logo


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So I decided it was time for me to finally take a crack at my first personal logo. I'm about to graduate and I need something to help brand my resume/business cards/portfolio etc. A little backgroud about myself. I"m graduating from architecture school and my career goal is to become an architect (obviously). On the side I dabble in graphic design, furniture design, and art.

This logo was meant to represent my initials (SS), my "forward thinking-ness", and the fact that I like to have some fun. I made a lot of iterations that all have their positives (I hope), but I wanted to know what y'all thought.


Some notes about each one:

a. Arrows on the tips of the S represent moving forward. The dot in the center could always change color depending on the use of the logo.

b. No arrows, just the S shapes. The dot in the center could always change color depending on the use of the logo.

c. Two tone? Just and idea . . .

d. Sunglasses? Cuz I'm a cool cat. OW! Probably not the most professional . . .

e. Brush strokes and a paint splat. I like the look of this and will probably use it in some capacity, I just don't view it as a "primary" personal logo. Thoughts?

f) Smile. Like the sunglasses but creepier. Not a fan, but I had to post it haha.

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Thanks for the feedback guys. You don't think the arrows make the 'S' shape look too much like an 8? I'm glad that option E got a good response because I think there is something so pure about it - 2 identical brush strokes and a drop of paint.

Any other people have thoughts? Sorry its not a sports logo this time.

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I think E is the only viable logo option here, and it's probably not usable in every situation. As someone mentioned, the arrows don't convey forwardness. They convey moving around in circles, if anything at all. B isn't bad, except that it doesn't look like 2 Ss (well, none of them do to me.) It looks more corporate, like from a software company or something. I think that color of green might have something to do with it, as it's a really trendy color in IT right now (well, it's trendy in anything I guess.) The red part of C is obnoxious, and doesn't work well with the green. Different colors could work, but more if there was a legit reason for doing it - not just to throw some more color in there. D and F aren't really serious, which you've acknowledged.

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Thanks for all the feedback everyone. I might go back to the drawing board. I'm personally partial to B (without the arrows) and E as well. Its disappointing that none of these jumped out at any of you as a "great design", just something that would work. I tend to agree that the arrows are ineffective. What is a way to make this less corporate?

I thought that a logo with 2 S shapes would be pretty easy, but its really not. I'll try and post an update in a few days.

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I would go with C. Lose the arrow on the bottom S and choose some better colours. The two colours don't need to clash as much as red and black does. Maybe 2 tones of the same colour.. dark blue and lighter blue. Or if it's B&W just go black and grey. Up to you. Nice design tho!

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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