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Something different (version 2)


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Hey guys,

Something a bit different for ya'll. Been working on this for the last 4 months and I've finally finished it up the other day. I've always been interested in wood and combining that with sports teams and identities and league-wide concepts, one of which I did for the NHL a few years ago which you can see here. This time I did something similar for the Australian soccer league (A-League as it is called) and tried to improve on my previous effort. I wanted to maintain a sleek, clean look for this one so I got rid of the logos and went for a double 'sash' of each team's two predominat colours. Cutting out the team names letter for letter was quite the undertaking, but I think it makes the project what it is. Also the glass frame is a new addition incase I sell it to a sports bar so it has some protection from vandalism.






The blank plates at the bottom are there for new teams who will inevitable enter the league in the comming years. It's a young league.

Anyway, what do you think?

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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I have zero interest in football/soccer, but this is very impressive! I love the NHL one too :D And on saying that, I am getting a very NHL '96 vibe from the way the team names and colours are presented here.

The only change I'd made would be to add city initials to differentiate one United from the other.


PotD: 24/08/2017

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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks fellas,

Yeah since I posted this I've sold it to a local bar so it will soon be displayed proudly for all to see!

I'm Danny fkn Heatley, I play for myself. That's what fkn all stars do.

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That is absolutely incredible. Great job! Your NHL one was very impressive as well. You should definitely try to market these. You would make one hell of a profit and bars would definitely buy them from you!

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