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That's cool. I guess typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask for from yourself.

I think you meant to say "That's cool. I guess not typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask from you."

Anyway, as to the larger point at hand, I guess the concept of parody is lost on you.

Oh, for the record. The all capital letter post was still more grammatically correct then 99% of what netsjazz posts. Oh well. I guess I'm just a prick for expecting grammatical clarity and well thought out posts in a forum where the written word is the only form of communication.

You keep on being you though.

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That's cool. I guess typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask for from yourself.

I think you meant to say "That's cool. I guess not typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask from you."

Anyway, as to the larger point at hand, I guess the concept of parody is lost on you.

Oh, for the record. The all capital letter post was still more grammatically correct then 99% of what netsjazz posts. Oh well. I guess I'm just a prick for expecting grammatical clarity and well thought out posts in a forum where the written word is the only form of communication.

You keep on being you though.

I think maybe you just need to get your temper in check. That usually helps when you flip out in multiple threads.

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That's cool. I guess typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask for from yourself.

I think you meant to say "That's cool. I guess not typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask from you."

Anyway, as to the larger point at hand, I guess the concept of parody is lost on you.

Oh, for the record. The all capital letter post was still more grammatically correct then 99% of what netsjazz posts. Oh well. I guess I'm just a prick for expecting grammatical clarity and well thought out posts in a forum where the written word is the only form of communication.

You keep on being you though.

I think maybe you just need to get your temper in check. That usually helps when you flip out in multiple threads.

I think you need a better understanding of what "flip out" means. I haven't "flipped out" at all.

Since it is the internet, however, I'll grant you some leeway. I did not type in all capital letters because I "flipped out" or lost my temper. I typed in all caps to convey how silly netsjazz's posts are, where he posts the blatantly obvious with fractured sentences that just barely make sense.

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That's cool. I guess typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask for from yourself.

I think you meant to say "That's cool. I guess not typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask from you."

Anyway, as to the larger point at hand, I guess the concept of parody is lost on you.

Oh, for the record. The all capital letter post was still more grammatically correct then 99% of what netsjazz posts. Oh well. I guess I'm just a prick for expecting grammatical clarity and well thought out posts in a forum where the written word is the only form of communication.

You keep on being you though.

I think maybe you just need to get your temper in check. That usually helps when you flip out in multiple threads.

I think you need a better understanding of what "flip out" means. I haven't "flipped out" at all.

Since it is the internet, however, I'll grant you some leeway. I did not type in all capital letters because I "flipped out" or lost my temper. I typed in all caps to convey how silly netsjazz's posts are, where he posts the blatantly obvious with fractured sentences that just barely make sense.

The fact you need to continue to justify yourself is sad. Maybe you should just stick to talking about sports logos.

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That's cool. I guess typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask for from yourself.

I think you meant to say "That's cool. I guess not typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask from you."

Anyway, as to the larger point at hand, I guess the concept of parody is lost on you.

Oh, for the record. The all capital letter post was still more grammatically correct then 99% of what netsjazz posts. Oh well. I guess I'm just a prick for expecting grammatical clarity and well thought out posts in a forum where the written word is the only form of communication.

You keep on being you though.

I think maybe you just need to get your temper in check. That usually helps when you flip out in multiple threads.

I think you need a better understanding of what "flip out" means. I haven't "flipped out" at all.

Since it is the internet, however, I'll grant you some leeway. I did not type in all capital letters because I "flipped out" or lost my temper. I typed in all caps to convey how silly netsjazz's posts are, where he posts the blatantly obvious with fractured sentences that just barely make sense.

The fact you need to continue to justify yourself is sad. Maybe you should just stick to talking about sports logos.

The fact that you're so obsessed with my posting habits is sad. Maybe you need to stick to lurking.

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That's cool. I guess typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask for from yourself.

I think you meant to say "That's cool. I guess not typing in all capital letters with incorrect grammar is too much to ask from you."

Anyway, as to the larger point at hand, I guess the concept of parody is lost on you.

Oh, for the record. The all capital letter post was still more grammatically correct then 99% of what netsjazz posts. Oh well. I guess I'm just a prick for expecting grammatical clarity and well thought out posts in a forum where the written word is the only form of communication.

You keep on being you though.

I think maybe you just need to get your temper in check. That usually helps when you flip out in multiple threads.

I think you need a better understanding of what "flip out" means. I haven't "flipped out" at all.

Since it is the internet, however, I'll grant you some leeway. I did not type in all capital letters because I "flipped out" or lost my temper. I typed in all caps to convey how silly netsjazz's posts are, where he posts the blatantly obvious with fractured sentences that just barely make sense.

The fact you need to continue to justify yourself is sad. Maybe you should just stick to talking about sports logos.

The fact that you're so obsessed with my posting habits is sad. Maybe you need to stick to lurking.

I don't know if I'd call over 2,000 posts lurking. On the other hand, I may call over 9,000 an obsession, or an explanation for something....

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I don't know if I'd call over 2,000 posts lurking. On the other hand, I may call over 9,000 an obsession, or an explanation for something....

Explanation bosox? This is bad comed....eh forget it.

Seriously though, your little obsession with me these last few posts have gone from annoying to odd. Whatever personal problems you may have with me can be sorted out by either a PM or keeping them to yourself. The fact that you feel the need air them in public, and that they're so persistent and irrational, honestly concerns me. Drop me a PM if there's something you really want to convey to me, otherwise kindly drop it.

By the way I average less then four posts a day. Something this little exchange will sadly raise. So again PM or drop it.

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I don't know if I'd call over 2,000 posts lurking. On the other hand, I may call over 9,000 an obsession, or an explanation for something....

Explanation bosox? This is bad comed....eh forget it.

Seriously though, your little obsession with me these last few posts have gone from annoying to odd. Whatever personal problems you may have with me can be sorted out by either a PM or keeping them to yourself. The fact that you feel the need air them in public, and that they're so persistent and irrational, honestly concerns me. Drop me a PM if there's something you really want to convey to me, otherwise kindly drop it.

By the way I average less then four posts a day. Something this little exchange will sadly raise. So again PM or drop it.

I could always do neither.

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Well if you insist on harassing me in the public forums I'll have to report ya. I'm pretty sure such behaviour is frowned upon.

Oh, the continued insistence on harassing me on the public forums? That's part of the whole oddness I was talking about.

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Ah, Cappy's a good guy. Loogodude calling him out for seeking arguments is Sledgehammer of Irony stuff, though.

I didn't want to say anything but I suspect netsjazz is either mentally disabled or doesn't really know English. If it's the latter, someone set him up with Swiss so they can bull-in-a-china-shop the English language together for our amusement.

♫ oh yeah, board goes on, long after the thrill of postin' is gone ♫

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Don't mind Ice_Cap. He is just the (one of many) village idiot here. Bitches about stupid :censored:.

Does this every get old? I think not.

Obviously you seem to piss everyone off.

See here's the thing. I've known "of" you, you've been around long enough. In my seven years on this site, though, I don't think I've ever said two words to you or about you before this charming back and forth. I've never really thought about you at all. Which is what makes this whole thing so concerning. You've obviously been thinking a lot about me, letting it "fester" if you will. The fact that I've never had a single thing to do with you makes that concerning. Now if something I've said or done offended you, you're free to drop me a PM and we can discuss it like adults. Instead you've decided to air it all out in a fit of immaturity here.

It appears that you have some sort of issue with me that goes beyond the norm, as you've obviously let this simmer for some time. Since you have continued to drag this out I'm reporting you. When you finally decide to be mature about this you can let me know what I've done to offend you in a PM and we can discuss it civilly. Until that day I ask that you keep your odd, festering obsession with me to yourself.

As for loogodude, well let me put it this way. I don't feel the need to take a guy who can't spell "logo" seriously, especially on a sports logos forum.

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Don't mind Ice_Cap. He is just the (one of many) village idiot here. Bitches about stupid :censored:.

Does this every get old? I think not.

Obviously you seem to piss everyone off.

See here's the thing. I've known "of" you, you've been around long enough. In my seven years on this site, though, I don't think I've ever said two words to you or about you before this charming back and forth. I've never really thought about you at all. Which is what makes this whole thing so concerning. You've obviously been thinking a lot about me, letting it "fester" if you will. The fact that I've never had a single thing to do with you makes that concerning. Now if something I've said or done offended you, you're free to drop me a PM and we can discuss it like adults. Instead you've decided to air it all out in a fit of immaturity here.

It appears that you have some sort of issue with me that goes beyond the norm, as you've obviously let this simmer for some time. Since you have continued to drag this out I'm reporting you. When you finally decide to be mature about this you can let me know what I've done to offend you in a PM and we can discuss it civilly. Until that day I ask that you keep your odd, festering obsession with me to yourself.

As for loogodude, well let me put it this way. I don't feel the need to take a guy who can't spell "logo" seriously, especially on a sports logos forum.

For a man who complains about someone else continuing on, you really talk a lot

Yelling at the mentally challenged is quite a disturbing act, though. For shame.

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This has been fun. Now if you'll all excuse me I'm going to close all my blinds. It seems like the responsible thing to do when you have to deal with someone you've never spoken to before obsessing over you.

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