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my hockey team


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we currently wear plain powder blue jerseys but next season we might be playing at a new arena and we'll need to supply our own jerseys. if we can keep with powder blues i think we will, so i found some blank late 60s pittsburgh jerseys online.

anyhow, here's what i put together.


our team doesn't actually have an official name but i wanted to do something more classic looking. i thought a tree related maple leafs inspired name would fit a team from ann arbor.

also did the layout on the phoenix home jersey just as an option if we decided to change colors.


what do you think?

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Looks good. Simple but effective. I like it, Nice Work!

"Success is not the result of spontaneous combustion. You must first set yourself on fire.? - 'Broad Street Bullies' coach Fred "The Fog" Shero


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changed up the color scheme layout of the logo on this one. just kind of toying around. i think i like this more because you don't have any white butted right up against and maize, so you get better contrast in those areas.

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