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Anaheim Ducks


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I wanted to take things back to the old days of the duck face. I'm not sold 100% yet on the face angle but I like the idea of not having the goalie mask on it. The head shape naturally forms a "D" shape, thought i'd have it come out of a "D" as well.. Also have a "D" shape in the eye.

Wanted to get away from the orange, dark purple also.

Not really sold on the blues jersey, just wanted to display it with the idea of the colors - I like the contrasting greens - similar to the college, also wanted to use the yellow as highlights only.


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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Consider making the letter a different colour all together to add some contrast. I wouldn't use the Blues template but I definitely like the two tone green. Keep working on it, this has a lot of potential.

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The jerseys look good. I'm definitely ok with this nontraditional usage. It definitely needs more contrast. Make the dark green darker and the light green lighter. It CAN work, just like this Thrashers' St Patricks Day practice


I think your design focuses should be making the D more dynamic, maybe a little more styled so the duck's head fits better (including not having the little space at the duck's neck) and be a little more streamlined and modern to match the jersey. The other thing is making the duck look just a little more determined. Maybe borrow the idea of the Penguins' eye. You don't want it looking like a typical angry 90s mascot, but just a little more determination would go a long way.

Don't give up on this one! You've got a great idea here, and I love the minimal use of orange. It's just enough to pop.

I'll respect any opinion that you can defend.

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thanks for all the C&C so far. I'll try to hit this again later tonight after i get some school work done.

the problem i'm having is trying to work with as few colors as possible without making the two logo's blend together. I tried the dark purple color for the "D", it definitely stood out but i felt like the ducks face got lost.. i'll post a bunch of different varieties of this logo and see what works best.

for some reason this duck reminds me of sylar off of heroes lol.. eh.

as far as a few ideas, i'm thinking of turning the white/gold bands on the neck the other way and make it look like a collar from the jersey - have a double image worked in. looking at it, the bill looks too long even though i used a picture as a direct reference...

as far as why certain accents follow onto the "D" from the ducks face, i'm not really sure. I was going to crop it out but i didn't want to just make it look like a duck head in the middle of a "D".. trying to incorporate the two to flow a little better. It's an idea but I'm not 100% sure how to execute this to get my point across... I'm still learning


Bleeding Blue since 1986

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As said above, this has potential. But here's my two cents:

-Use a different template

-Alter the colours. You can't tell where the duck stops and the "D" begins, they need to contrast more

You can make this into a REALLY creative logo. But it needs some tinkering.


Nobody cares about your humungous-big signature. 

PotD: 29/1/12



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