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have no website


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I've only been on the board about a week and the part about this site I like the most is the fact that a lot of people can give you opinions. If you really want to you can email me stuff. But I would recomend getting a free webpage at www.geocities.com or angelfire.com or the many other number of places you can get free webpages. I know with geocities you can upload designs very easily but, you can't link on this site. Everyone has to copy and paste. But there are alot of places that offer webspace. That way we can all see your work.

To answer two topics with one reply...I use illustrator. But you can create in any program you'd like! Illustrator offers you the ability to keep everything very sharp. But its very pricey! Good luck with everything!

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Hi this is gamecock82 since i do not have a website I am asking if you would respond and place your msn or aol screennames so I can contact you and ask you for your opinion on logos and such.



one word for you, my man:


and, um, we're kinda here cus of our love of making logos and uniform concepts, getting opinions and having say about others' work...so take a load off, there's our sofa right there ^_^

in other news, i think Sy's waiting for his tempurpedic to get here... :D


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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in other news, i think Sy's waiting for his tempurpedic to get here... :D

The shipping company said "allow 1-2 weeks for delivery". I don't think I'll last that long...

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