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New logo for Walther Lutheran and wordmark


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For my old high school in Melrose Park, Illinois


new version

Was messing around with this today and an image of the original design i did a few years back.


original version

more stuff coming soon alternate logos and wordmarks.

comments and ideas more than welcome.



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Word mark is much better now, but still feel the line thickness on the Bronco is far to thin and that the shadow under the jaw/cheek needs work or dropping entirely as right now its just... there... and not really adding anything to the piece.

Love the shape of the Bronco though, but just strengthen it up with thicker lines and you're all good if you ask me.


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Thanks for the comments. the mark under the jaw is there cause I hid put the intials for the school in the neck. I really wanted this to be a Walther logo that was really just theirs. I have the intentions to sending this the school in the near future. So, thanks again for the critiques and I would be more than happy for more and any ideas to improve my works.



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The fonts don't go together at all...one's a traditional-looking slab serif, the other is a weird spikey-serif. If mixing fonts, I would make one sans serif.

Also, you need to kern your wordmark. Too much space between the W and A. Looks like you just typed it out and left it that way, which is very lazy for a designer.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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yeah i was using photoshop elements 10 I am learning how to do stuff in it like spacing. I am still learning inkscape and I wasn't getting the arch the way I wanted to go. Still tryin so I hope to have an improved one soon.

edit* watched a few youtube tutorials and got some ideas down for wordmarks


Let me know what ya think



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I think you're emphasizing the wrong things. Is it the Walther Broncos Lutheran? You wouldn't see BRIGHAM Young COUGARS.

If the name of the school is Walther Lutheran, keep those the same type treatment and make the nickname (Broncos) the different font.

Back-to-Back Fatal Forty Champion 2015 & 2016

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