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Indiana Pacers


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I would ditch the cutout P logo. And like what everyone else has said, having relatives who are from Indiana, Indy means Indianapolis, so that would never go over well. I also don't understand why the alt uniform has a different design than the others. Personally, I think that design actually looks worse than the others, as the asymetricalness is part of what makes the primary uniforms great.

Other than that, fantastic job!

Why you make fun of me? I make concept for Auburn champions and you make fun of me. I cry tears.
Chopping off the dicks of Filipino boys and embracing causes that promote bigotry =/= strong moral character.
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I can't really tell you anything that hasn't already been said. I think you have too many logos and too many different aesthetics going on in those logos. I'd pick one logo and maybe a secondary logo derived from that, but I generally don't think they're needed.

The type is just too weird for its own good. There's no real reason for the way the letters are cut and truncated, which is fine, but they're also not done in a very elegant or tasteful way, in my opinion. You've over-thought it. I think if you replace all the missing pieces of letters that you've removed, you'd be in a much better place. The arch with the italics doesn't work too well. I'd go italic letters and numbers if you're going to stick with this fast-looking uniform design. Also, I'd probably stick to one color numerals to coordinate with the stripes, which don't have outlines. Make that stuff work together.

The yard of bricks along the timeline is a money idea. I hope more teams get creative with the construction of their courts like that.

I still don't have a website, but I have a dribbble now! http://dribbble.com/andyharry

[The postings on this site are my own and do not necessarily represent the position, strategy or opinions of adidas and/or its brands.]

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