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Prediction: MLS will fold within 2 years

Notch Novelty

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It's merely a prediction. That's all. Seriously half the leagues isn't planning a stadium or if they are won't get it done.

Seriously, if you want to make fun of me because you all have self-esteem issues dating back to high school than unblock me and talk to me there don't drag it to the boards.

If its merely a prediction then you get over it people are disagreeing with you you are acting like the alll knowing.

You feel it will fold fine.

Most agree that it wont and its got a chance at a good future.

I trully think if it was going to fold it would have already, now that there are stadiums involved and a growing fan base it has a chance.

Only the future know who will be right.



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It's merely a prediction. That's all.

We knew that! Why couldn't you have said that in the first place and not pissed us off at your arrogant stupidity?

Seriously half the leagues isn't planning a stadium or if they are won't get it done.

That is the quickest "about-face" I've ever seen. First you state that it's your opinion, now you state it as if it is fact. MAKE UP YOUR MIND, MAN!!!

Seriously, if you want to make fun of me because you all have self-esteem issues dating back to high school than unblock me and talk to me there don't drag it to the boards.

We haven't made fun of you. In fact, by stating so matter-of-factly (which is wrong) that we have self esteem issues, you are making fun of us.

I've told you before what your problem is. You don't bother to mention that what you are saying is JUST YOUR OPINION before it is too late. If you start off every one of your remarks with "In my opinion..." or "I think that...", then we wouldn't be chewing you out for being so arrogant.

Here's how this whole "opinion" thing works:

When you state something like this:

Liam Scanlan will walk on Mars by 2005.

It is presented as, and often considered, fact. I makes it seem as though it is a correct statement. The only problem though is that it can be wrong. For example:

Liam Scanlan will walk on Mars by 2001.

That is wrong because I can prove it.

What you fail to accept is the fact that these "so-called" facts of your's can be wrong. And often we prove them wrong, but you ignore them.

If you state it like this:

I think that Liam Scanlan will walk on Mars by 2005.

Then all we can rightfully do is disagree with you and give a reason for doing so. However, you don't even do that when you disagree with someone.

You catch my drift?

--Roger "Time?" Clemente.

Follow me on Twitter if you care: @Animal_Clans.

My opinion may or may not be the same as yours. The choice is up to you.

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Congratulations, board members! Another semi-interesting topic closed due to unresolved conflicts between members that neither side can let go of.

You all need to step back and evaluate your priorities. Arguing on the internet with someone you've never seen before can't be worth your dignity or the respect others have for you.

I read some of these replies from both sides and am disheartened how petty we all can be.

That clicking sound you hear is this thread being locked.

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