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Worst of the Worst-Minor League Pro Sports

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LMAO! :D:notworthy:

Can I steal that for future use?? lol

NCFA Sunset Beach Tech - Octopi




Going to college gets you closer to the real world, kind of like climbing a tree gets you closer to the moon.

"...a nice illustration of what you get when skill, talent, and precedent are deducted from 'creativity.' " - James Howard Kunstler

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This is an invitaton to SyPhi to "edit" my original post on this topic.Then,perhaps,it will receive some serious replies,rather than replies from persons who just want to ridicule a new participant in your forum.

The "ridicule" has absolutely nothing to do with your being you, but rather your uce of Caps Lock. It had been pointed out in other threads, and continued, thus it was only a matter of time before someone posted a humourously about it.

Don't know much minor league stuff... the Goldeyes and Moose are Manitoba's only minor league teams, and although the Moose aren't very good, they are by no means the worst of the worst. The Goldeyes have yet to miss the playoffs in 11 or so years of the independent Northern League, and so I'd say that makes them one of the best of the best.

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To SyPhi---thank you for editing this post,which was my first post in your forum.As far as "continued use" of caps lock,I only used it on my first two posts,and to highlight a couple of important questions on a third post ,which,on the third post,covered no more than 20% of the text of the post.My number of posts is probably up to about 15 now, and if you checked all of them, you would probably find that there has not been an inappropriate use of capslock since the first two posts,which you have now edited.In my short time posting on this forum,I have done whatever I can to be courteous,informative,and thought-provoking.Hopefully,those qualities are what this sports message board is about, and will be welcomed.

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To SyPhi---thank you for editing this post,which was my first post in your forum.As far as "continued use" of caps lock,I only used it on my first two posts,and to highlight a couple of important questions on a third post ,which,on the third post,covered no more than 20% of the text of the post.My number of posts is probably up to about 15 now, and if you checked all of them, you would probably find that there has not been an inappropriate use of capslock since the first two posts,which you have now edited.In my short time posting on this forum,I have done whatever I can to be courteous,informative,and thought-provoking.Hopefully,those qualities are what this sports message board is about, and will be welcomed.

Absolutely, however you should know that first impressions are hard to shake, and it requires patience, understanding, and continued, appropriate contributions to the message board community for them to be shaken.

Have a sense of humour about the whole thing, things tend to blow over pretty quickly around here, provided nobody makes it their personal mission to continue to resurrect dead issues or jokes.

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i'll go out on a limb and say i don't know. our only team here is semipro football's Racine Raiders, and they're a national power. then there's the wannabes Milwaukee Marauders and the weak Kenosha Vikings, and there ya go.

paywise, worst is football cus nobody gets paid outside of the Arena, AF2 and Niffle (i'm not counting CFL as a minor league cus it's Canada's top league and i've always respected it as such)-it's almost all semipro. playwise, none of em are gonna be the quality of MLB, NBA, NHL, NFL or even Division 1 college sometimes but you'll likely see the intensity close to or even surpassing those levels.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Since we don't have any discussion of a minor league "Worst of the Worst",I'm glad that Discrimihater has brought up the polar opposite;a minor league "Best of the Best".From what I've heard,the NAFL Racine Raiders is the prototype for how a minor league football franchise should be operated.I have visited their website,and I have heard that they consistently draw paying crowds in the 3000-6000 range.I know that it helps that they consistently have a very good team,but we have both men's and women's semi-pro football teams in Nashville that are also very good teams,and I can tell you that they are ecstatic when their paying game crowds hit 250.Perhaps every owner of a NAFL, Minor League Football,NWFA,and WPFL team should be required to work for one season as an intern for the Racine Raiders, and we would then have a minor league men's and women's football landscape that draws community support more like the minor leagues in baseball and hockey.The NFL once was a semi-pro type league where all the players held other jobs.There is a place for healthy minor league and women's football on America's sports landscape.We only need to learn from the people who have done it right----like the Racine Raiders.

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that's all you can do...besides, you aren't really gonna be able to get goin on a long rant about the worst minor league teams-usually the worst of em in football, hockey or basketball won't last too long-baseball teams can last a while for obvious reasons like being affiliated with a major league club (this holds true for some hockey teams too). as we all know, nobody wants to put up with a loser for too long. however, even some of the good teams don't last too long (see Flint Falcons) due to poor management or lack of interest, somewhere in that area. higher up in the Niffle, af2, the CBA or what have you the chance to play for pay is currency, although you're still not fully professional. $200 a game (Niffle/af2 pay) means you gotta find a job when the season's through. pay's better in the AFL but most of those guys have offseason jobs too.

what's considered semipro ball, the majority of em as said, the players and coaches aren't paid. i know that with the Raiders, no one is paid-everyone involved from the players and coaches to the folks in the concession stand and the general manager are volunteers.


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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Wow: shows how little time I spend on this board...when I saw the "Caps Lock" photo posted, I thought it referred to the WASHINGTON CAPITALS (couldn't resist locking a bit myself!) formerly of the NHL!


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To tpoh59;rumors that HiggySlapBass is the former owner of the Washington Capitals are completely unfounded.Just as long as you don't mix the Washington Capitals up with the Sacramento Capitals (WorldTeamTennis),who are actually a pretty good franchise--- Wayne Bryan coaches them, Andre Agassi plays for them.On July 6,they will be the first team ever to have a Thunderstix promotion at a pro tennis match.

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