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If NFL Logos were Hipsters

Kon Karne

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maybe because i'm out of the loop, but exactly what is a hipster? I've seen the term thrown around but i've always thought it to have meant offspring of hippies. Granted where I live the populous consists of rednecks, cowboys, church goers and people that work at walmart.

They're the children of Baby Boomer yuppies. They graduated from prestigious universities with degrees related to computers and science, and have inside networks earned their place to working at some of the most affluent technological companies today (Google, Apple, Buzzfeed, Facebook). Lesser-rung hipsters complain about everyday, necessary expenses (car, gas, student loans, rent) but have no problem forking over $500-600 every six months for the latest iPhone, or $5-6 for the medium sized latte at Starbucks. These people frequently use 140 characters or less to hashtag everything, or use stupid, cliched acronyms (YOLO), while at the same time believing everything on MTV and E! is real (Kardashians, Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus, anything involving the Real Housewives). They hang out and settle in some of the most affluent places in America, and are directly responsible for the explosion in urban gentrification, kicking out immigrants and working-class people into homelessness (Brooklyn, Austin, Echo Park, Downtown LA).

If employers have a valid case to refusing to hire 20-something's in place of keeping older people in the workforce, it's the stereotypes placed by hipsters.


God, no.

You're wrong. Very, very wrong. I don't even know what you're babbling on about, but it isn't correct.

The word hipster gained popularity in the 40's to describe the growing jazz scene and the word is defined as person who follows modern trends and fashions.

Hipsters as we know them today are anybody who's smug about "discovering" anything (usually, music related) before the general public does and they'd prefer to keep their hidden gems to themselves.

And it's highly ironic that the "hipster" style of fashion is popular. I'm slightly embarrassed to admit that I dress like one, but at least I don't act like one.

Cowboys - Lakers - LAFC - USMNT - LA Rams - LA Kings - NUFC 

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