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HELP! US Cellular Field Logo (in progress)


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Hi everyone,

Although this season is a few years away, I thought this could be a fun concept. So far, I really like a lot from this concept. The pinstripes are obviously a nod to the White Sox home uniforms. The pinwheels pay homage to the stadium's notorious score board. I really like the top part of the logon (pin wheels, pinstripes, banner) so far but I feel like the bottom (25 years) could use some improvement. Does anyone have any suggestions as the piece overall, or on how to improve the bottom? I was considering including the Chicago skyline but realized it does not have much to do with the stadium's identity. Please help me out! Thanks!




Jack Gambro Goal Line Design

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Honestly, I'm already content with what you have now. According to the logo database on this site, the White Sox retired their red, white, and blue scheme a year before moving to US Cellular, so that any non-pinwheel reference to that scheme shouldn't be there. But basically, great job!

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