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A B A heads "north of the border" again.

Brian in Boston

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That's right! The ABA is truly NAFTA's basketball league now. Calgary, Alberta has been named the ABA's 27th expansion team.

I bet all of you Canadians are just speechless over your good fortune, huh?

Brian in Boston

P.S. I don't really consider Vancouver's franchise to be truly "Canadian"... after all, the entire roster is going to be Chinese and the prospective coach is an American.

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okay, okay ABA, you've probably set the record for most expansion teams in one year...but this got old on the second announcement :evil:


A strong mind gets high off success, a weak mind gets high off bull🤬

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P.S. I don't really consider Vancouver's franchise to be truly "Canadian"... after all, the entire roster is going to be Chinese and the prospective coach is an American.

How come??? Explain.

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It's similar to my take on the Albuquerque-based ABA team being comprised entirely of Native Americans. At what point does setting up a sports franchise so that it only offers opportunities to a single racial background become counter-productive to those it is meant to help?

For instance, there was a time when the Negro Leagues were the only outlet that African Americans had should they want to play organized, professional baseball. It was segregationist and a distinct example of a "separate-but-equal" policy at play. The fact that the teams of the Negro League were, in some cases, owned and operated by African Americans didn't make it any better. African-American ballplayers were being denied the opportunity to play at the highest levels of pro baseball solely because of their race, and the Negro Leagues were a consolation prize.

So to see a group of Chinese basketball players or Native American basketball players being subjected to the "sideshow" nature that a single-race sports team implies is just anathema to me. To see them go along with it is even worse. It sends the none-too-subtle message of "Hey... most of these guys probably wouldn't be able to make an ABA team if it weren't for the fact that this team has implemented an all-Chinese rule (or all-Native American rule, etc.)". It's a gimmick. What's more, it's a gimmick based on race... which is sickening.

What's more, in the case of the Vancouver ABA team, I find it ironic that the ABA's first Canadian-based franchise will reportedly be comprised of an entirely Chinese roster coached by an American.

Brian in Boston

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Should be non-negotiable-

Just make the jerseys red.

Minimum standard

make the name & logo not too embarrassing!

but hopefully they outdo themselves...

Comic Sans walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Sorry, we don't serve your type here."

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The ABA expansion should provide an interesting test of the strength of local college and high school basketball in the areas where ABA teams are located,as with a $120,000 salary cap per team,most players will probably be local to each franchise.It's hard for me to see many players relocating for ABA-scale pay.

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