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Should Gary Barnett still be the CU football coach

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Following many shocking disclosures about the University of Colorado football program,incuding multiple rape allegations concerning CU football players,revelations of the use of strippers and escort services to entice potential recruits,and some shocking televised remarks from Coach Barnett about a former player,Coach Barnett was allowed to keep his job as head football coach,and,in fact, noone in the Colorado football program or administration, as far as I know, lost their jobs.Should this have happened? Want your opinion.

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The stories I heard and read about this are sickening, absolutely shameful.

Fire Gary Barnett? YES. Not because of the sex/alcohol recruiting scandal; the purpotraters (players and other party-goers) should be persecuted for their dispicable actions, but the coach barely had anything to do with this, from what I gathered.

The reason Barnett should be sacked is because he is, simply, a terrible coach. (See: CU's record since his hiring.)

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Last time I heard these kind of allegaytions about a college football program, the coach went onto coach the Dallas Cowboys. (Hey there Barry!)

I think its quite sad that College football turns these young men into 'celebrities' in there local communities without giving them enough education to cope with that. Kind of ironic, given that its College football.


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The stories I heard and read about this are sickening, absolutely shameful.

Fire Gary Barnett? YES. Not because of the sex/alcohol recruiting scandal; the purpotraters (players and other party-goers) should be persecuted for their dispicable actions, but the coach barely had anything to do with this, from what I gathered.

The reason Barnett should be sacked is because he is, simply, a terrible coach. (See: CU's record since his hiring.)

Quoted for truth.

Honestly, as a student on this campus with the media here CONSTANTLY for a good two straight months, I avoided MOST of the coverage somehow. It's like the Kobe Bryant case, I just don't want to know these things -- I just hope that the truth comes out and the right thing is done.

Barnett should be fired for LOTS of reasons, but the most obvious is his coaching ability. For crying out loud, the man has had his own fans kicked out of games (against NEBRASKA) for questioning his play calling (come on Gary, everyone in the damn stadium but you and your team knew it was a fake FG, NU's kicker was missing extra points in warm ups!).

Great, now I'm pissed off about the NU loss again. Damn Barnett.

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I started this topic because,in part,there was a time when I was an admirer of Gary Barnett.I am a lifelong fan of Vanderbilt athletics,so I am always gratified when college programs whose players are primarily real college students shock everybody and win.So I was an admirer of Barnett when he made Northwestern,a program that embodies these values, a winner.I wasn't disappointed when he left Northwestern for Colorado,because he had once been Colorado's defensive coordinator.But his televised remarks about Katie Knida made me sick:not because they were untrue,but because I HAVE NEVER HEARD A COACH TALK THAT WAY ON TV ABOUT A MALE PLAYER(sorry,syphi,but that part of the post needed emphasis).Katie Knida was not a social experiment or a women's soccer player who decided to try football.Katie Knida was the kicker on her high school football team,and was 28-28 on extra points her senior year and 3-3 on field goals.Katie was an "invited walk-on",not a scholarship player.Every big state university football program has numerous "invited walk-ons",players who practice every day with the team but rarely see the field. They are,like Katie,players that were good high school players,but not talented enough to play regularly on the DivisionI BCS level. They do a lot of work with little glory.Coaches usually appreciate them.Katie Knida is unique in this group only because she is female and the others are all male. Because Katie Knida is a woman,Gary Barnett singled her out for ridicule on TV in a manner in which no football player has ever been singled out before. When Gary Barnett disrespected Katie Knida on TV,he insulted every woman on the North American continent.For this alone (not to mention everything else that has happened on his watch),Gary Barnett deserves to lose his job.

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Call me old fashioned but I think College coaches have to have a higher standard in that they represent an educational institution many cases state run, and it gives the school a black eye that he is still there.



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