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Foxxtrot44 last won the day on July 31 2016

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    You sicken me.
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  1. They don't. This is the live local news poll that's running alongside the vote. It probably hews pretty close to what the actual percentages are. https://strawpoll.com/7MZ0AeEPmyo
  2. You have no idea the trauma the Yeti has caused our people Yes, it's this. The Outlaw Trail runs through Utah
  3. It's very disappointing that despite all the snow related names in the contest, apparently no one in the organization has the cojones to push for the Utah Gnar. Or the plural, Utah Gnar Gnar. What a bunch of clowns!
  4. I don't know what you all are talking about. I just finished an icy can of Mountain Dew Utah Blast and it was terrific. A cursory look around the internet suggests that Mammoth, Yetis, Outlaws, and Black Diamonds are going to be tough to beat.
  5. There's already a ready-made color scheme for the Black Diamonds (ignoring my earlier brilliant suggestions).
  6. I don't know if I should post this in Concepts or not, but I finally finished creating some sweater mock-ups for the Utah Yetis. I made sure to do Home, Away, and Reverse Retro. I'm not a wizard with Illustrator or Photoshop, but I think I nailed it.
  7. I will accept the Yeti name on the condition that the aesthetics lean into the ski/winter sports styles of the late 80's and early 90's. That means the Yeti will need to be in a cool pair of polarized sunglasses and that the color scheme will be Ryan Smith gets his highlighter color. Fans get a local culture connection. Kids get a silly name. Hockey purists get to choke on their tongues at the utter steeziness of it all. Win-Win-Win-Win. I am not a crackpot.
  8. With today's trademarks, we have a pretty clear vision of the bracket Yetis Outlaws Fury Venom HC Blizzard Ice Mammoth Talking to people it seems like this is a horse race between Yetis, Outlaws, and "Why isn't Raptors an option?" Odd that of all the fossil choices available in Utah, they would go with Mammoth. I mean, we have a lot of them, but they aren't the iconic Woolly Mammoth. I tend to think we have enough "yee-haw" imagery and history to pull from to make Outlaws really stand out. But also I don't care that we're all a bunch of squares.
  9. Even worse, our state insect is the European Honey Bee. Utah is in AMERICA.!!! Not europe . I am very smart. In the interview it sounds like Doubleday is involved with the bracket. I wonder if this means we'll get brand specs as part of the contest. Probably not, but would make this much less lame.
  10. Sounds like there's no timeline on a name. Smith says they'll likely start the season wearing generic "Utah" uniforms. Probably no nickname until year 2. Colors should be announced soon. Doubleday and Cartwright is the firm working on the brand.
  11. Those names are terrible. Hoping for the best, but it's Smith, so my expectations are rock bottom. Venom: Utah doesn't have a particularly large presence of poisonous animals, I suppose the imagery could draw on spiders, scorpions, or rattlesnakes though (assuming Gila monsters are out). Blizzard: Please God no. The others: I don't even know what you do with these. The Hockey Club options feel particularly tragic.
  12. What are people feeling for colors? Green and yellow like the Eagles? Will this annoy the Minnesotans?? Something purple to tie it to the Jazz? Seems we'd be the only purple squad. I've always felt green and orange was an underused "Utah" color scheme, but I understand how it could be more polarizing.
  13. This shot might help with future sight of a Winter Classic.
  14. Time to make a few quick calls to Colorado and get this thing done!
  15. Given that the name has to be Utah ____, I hope they don't try to force the 'Y' sound alliteration. Yetis and 'Yotes all ring a little hollow to me. (if they pick Unicorns, though.....) It would be interesting to see them try to alliterate the 'Aw' sound instead. Foxes, Pronghorns, Tomatoes, etc... That said, this is also a chance to exercise one of the long-running name candidates in Utah sports history. Utah State University tried it in the 70's, Real Salt Lake almost went for it in the aughts...is it finally time for the Utah Highlanders? Thank you for reading.
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