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slikye1 last won the day on October 14 2018

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  1. As a sports number font (also the NOB), Arial is really terrible: but I'm okay with Helvetica
  2. One more: I don't like NFL teams putting the number on the helmet stripe (especially the outside one) For example: This Saints one is terrible When it comes to single-digit number and single stripe(Giants and Steelers), I hope they can put it on the right of the stripe instead of on the stripe I like where the Colts put their number, though it's way bigger lol
  3. (Sorry my English is bad) I love NBA jerseys which have a "curved" wordmark and put the front number at the right side under them. Also I don't hate the Bobcats one Putting the number in the middle is boring imo, especially when 27/30 of the NBA are doing this... There should be more teams putting the front number at the right side of their regular set, get disappointed when I realize there are only 3 teams doing this now(Heat, Mavs, Blazers), and there're all old designs and use a flat wordmark. Lots of teams get rid of it in the past 10 years(Sixers, Cavs, Clippers, Suns...),don't like these changes.
  4. This mismatched 3 and 5 bother me a lot
  5. Yes, definitely too hard to read...
  6. I like the volt on the current hawks' set.
  7. Yes that's what i meanJust don't know how to express it in english. Wow, if nba teams still do so, Markieff and Marcus Morris in the same team will be interesting.
  8. just can't understand why 2K have this kind of mistakes, seems they have the correct fonts but they use them in wrong places
  9. they use wrong number font even in the current bulls set... and they put cavs' font on brooklyn nets jerseys
  10. don't know it's an unpopular opinion or not, but i love jerseys with players' first name on. it seems that they were disappeared in the nba, and only few players wear them in nfl, such as Derrick Johnson
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