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Optimus Thread- Apprentice Challenge 4


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I'll see if I can work on that Shiny, but for now- I want to show the logo I've been working on since this morning...although it certainly doesn't look that complex. Basically, I wanted to go another direction instead of the dragon since 1.) we will have a mascot 2.) I've never seen any animal in an Olympic logo and 3.) it might be a little TOO cliche although I do think it could still work should we decide on that.

So at work today (haha), I kept looking up Chinese architecture because I feel like they are really known for that...when you see it anywhere, you recognize it and even an idiot could tell you what country it originates. Anyhow...I had a few rough sketches and it was much harder than it seemed...getting the angle how I wanted (from a 45 degree is what I wanted) and then producing the lines to appear like a building without doing too much- more tough than I thought when I started. Anyways, after about 4 sketches and a vector I didn't like...I smoothed some things out and simplified my 2nd draft and this is what I've got. I think it is abstract, simple, and looks like an "Olympic" style logo. Thoughts?

***btw...POST 1,000***


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I understand everything about it, but think it might be too big, with too much negative space.

Also, I'm not feeling the font at all, Cola. I know you wanted to go for a hand drawn look, but I think an Asian-styled font, like the one on the current logo, would work much better.

Too big? Have you seen the logos we have played with so far? I'm not saying you are totally wrong...but this logo is pretty small with hardly any detail, I am not understanding what you mean there. Also regarding negative space...check out previous Olympic logos- they run wild with abstract art and negative space. I'm not saying it is perfect, but as soon as I vectored it...I thought it clicked...on paper, it was "meh". I guess that wasn't the response I was expecting, but those are the breaks.

I do agree about the font...I stare at it more and more, and I hate it. It is a chinese-based font though, so I tried it out. I'll go searching for others.

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Here are the changes I was talking about. I was able to redraw the dragon head, so all is well with my program right now.


The only problem is that it seems to take up too much space.

As for Cola's latest, the architecture looks good. The only thing I was thinking is that, if you look at the other Olympic logos, some of them are more inscribed in shapes rather than just being over a blank background. Still, it looks good, because the style is easily identifiable even with limited strokes. It makes me think that you could do more with the space between strokes.

Also Cola, congrats on 1000 posts, and the Chinese characters made the jump to brushstrokes very well.

If anyone is thinking of going another direction with these, here are some of the more abstract logos among applicant cities:





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alright, i changed the font...didn't go "chinese" though. i went for a font that complimented the shape of the logo above it and felt it works better. also, i stacked the wordmark to make it appear more bold and hold some weight at the bottom of the logo as a base. i shrunk the rings, obviously. any better?


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Cola...definitely progress but I'm not a fan of the font...I really think the font should be more chinese like your first concept...also what if with the dragon facing center rendering we put the symbol for beijing on top the black.

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Cola...definitely progress but I'm not a fan of the font...I really think the font should be more chinese like your first concept...also what if with the dragon facing center rendering we put the symbol for beijing on top the black.

I disagree. Cola, I think the architecture stuff looks great and distinctly Chinese without being "messy." The other changes reflect that as well. I don't think we should integrate the jagged font with the straight, clean architecture. Whether we decide the overall style should be jagged or clean is another matter but I think we should make the two separate.

Can anyone make an SVG of either one or both of the logos? Thanks.

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The other changes reflect that as well. I don't think we should integrate the jagged font with the straight, clean architecture.

Sorry...a little confused- are you saying the most recent font I used is jagged and I need to try something else...or were you saying that the original "Chinese" font was jagged?

Here is the SVG...I've never messed with SVG files or saved to them, but I think I did it right:


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The other changes reflect that as well. I don't think we should integrate the jagged font with the straight, clean architecture.

Sorry...a little confused- are you saying the most recent font I used is jagged and I need to try something else...or were you saying that the original "Chinese" font was jagged?

Here is the SVG...I've never messed with SVG files or saved to them, but I think I did it right:


Sorry, I meant the first one was jagged was this one is clean and straight.

You did it right. The text defaulted to Sans because I don't have that font on my computer but everything else looks good.

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After looking at some other Olympics logos, I think we should integrate the 5 rings (and their colors not at all) far less. Here I too the basic structure from Cola's logo, rotated the parts, and stacked them. It represents the different levels of a pagoda, is distinctly Chinese IMO, and you know Olympics on top... that could be symbolic I dunno. I tried to make some yellow per the China flag but I couldn't figure out how to do so in the actual steps without it looking weird and as it is now it's hard to see. thoughts?


Edit: I actually really like this, it does combine the more clean look with a jagged part, but I think they are separate enough to be unobtrusive and work well. How about this?


Edit 2: I'm not sure what's up with that weird white slash, it's not like that in Inkscape. Ah well, I'll fix it later. Ignore that for now.

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Quite like Cola's idea, it does capture that abstract nature of previous Olympic logos. I'd really like to keep the Olympic colours, they just stand out more and I think it does give a Chinese carnival impression. As for the font, I think the more abstract the idea the cleaner the font should be. Looks to me like it would work best with a simple sans serif font.

So where are we with making a decision on this? I have to work today but will try and make a few more changes to the dragon logo this evening.

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GBM, I do like the colors you used- I'm not saying we should go with them for sure or if I actually like them better than the Olympic ring colors...but I do like them. They say "China" more I suppose...but at the same time, do we need to force that on the logo? Do we need to force the Olympic colors in the logo for that matter? Something to really think about. The Olympic colors certainly stand out better and do give off that multi-colored feel of the dragon parades you see in the streets of China cities.

The only thing I don't like is the removal of the top 2 stories- I feel they are important in better conveying the image of a pagoda (for some reason, I was thinking it was called a gondola haha) because they are stacked and reduce in size as it goes up...I was going for a 45 degree from-the-ground look when I sketched them.

Also, one thing I had to play with when designing the logo that I kept missing was the separation of each piece...they have to be much closer to each other to give off the effect and really see how they all work together to form the pagoda.

I do like your font choice as well...but still think I like mine a little better due to the small serifs that coincide with the logo.

Everyone on the team needs to start voicing their opinion on each of these issues today so we can move forward- how you are leaning on the suggested logos, font choice, color choices, etc.

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Alright...an update. I changed the color of the font to one of the other official colors of the Beijing Olympics- Great Wall Grey. Also, I displayed a b&w version along with an ad similar to what you will find on the current Beijing Olympics website.


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I definitely think you're onto something with that. Between it and the dragons, I think we have two excellent possibilities.

With that said, I began to think some about the mascot.

As I mentioned a few pages ago, I think the Tiger is something very Chinese in thought but not oversaturated in thought, as maybe a Dragon mascot might be.

For a general idea of where I'm coming from, design-wise, maybe something like Tigress from Kung Fu Panda.


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Well pairing the dragon with a tiger wouldn't really work well...they are opposites in Chinese culture from what I have read. Like the basic character struggle between Chinese is considered Tiger vs Dragon...I may be wrong about that, but just wanted to mention it. I have something I almost finished with right now for a mascot...it isn't a tiger, though. It is a tortoise...a cute tortoise haha. Give me a few minutes to finish it up and let me know what ya'll think. I kept looking at different cartoon characters and turtles and put together some elements to see what would happen.

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Additional color schemes I came up with for those not feeling the Olympic ring colors. I do like the Olympic ring colors, but maybe because it is what I first designed and I'm resisting change a bit- either way, I think the Olympic colors could be for a secondary use as the logo. I choose the colors below because they felt different and ethnic...not so ordinary I suppose, which I feel like China is far from ordinary...so much culture in a huge country. Thoughts? And thoughts on the tortoises? Let's get moving guys...


by the way, in no way am I trying to push my logo into this thread and make us lean that way. by all means, if we should take another route or explore william's dragon logo more- i am all ears, we just need to get moving.

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