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Ted Cunningham

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Posts posted by Ted Cunningham

  1. 10 hours ago, MJD7 said:

    Yeah, I don't really have an issue with the abbreviation they chose, just that they used an abbreviation in the first place.

    That's fair, certainly. It's an unfortunate coincidence that it's trendy right now to use three-letter, "airport style" abbreviations in uniform designs; and that Pittsburgh's historic abbreviation is also three letters. I don't think PGH would look out of place on the left chest of a uniform Honus Wagner wore, for instance. It's the same kind of abbreviation as MPLS, etc. But it does happen to fit into that current trend, so I get where you're coming from.

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  2. On 6/12/2024 at 11:23 PM, VikWings said:

    Pitt: I dig the 70s throwback feel, but the PGH just throws it off. Would have rather seen Pitt like the college. The sublimated patterns aren't really noticeable from a distance.


    19 hours ago, MJD7 said:
    • Pirates: The black & gold looks great as always, the airport abbreviation just strikes again. The batting helmet knocks it do a bit too.

    I believe this has been pointed out before, but to reiterate: If one were to go the city abbreviation route for Pittsburgh, "PGH" is the appropriate and traditional abbreviation for the city. PIT is the airport code. Pitt is the school, and only the school. If the point of the City Connect program is to connect with the city; and Nike, the Pirates, and MLB settled on using a city abbreviation for the Pirates' iteration of the City Connect uniforms, any abbreviation other than PGH would be referring to something other than the city itself.


    None of that passes value judgments on the quality of the uniform design. But within the context, "PGH" is correct.

    • Like 6
  3. 15 hours ago, ruttep said:

    Something like this would make great Washington uniforms


    6 hours ago, Silver_Star said:

    We can all dream. I wish myself this was their go to. I just wish they did not add black to the mix, It muds the uniform colors and makes it less unique.


    Yes and no. While them using exactly this (or something similar) would be an improvement over what they currently have, I would expect a team like Washington, if they were going the traditional route, to draw on some connection to its past, be that the two-stripe Gibbs era uniforms, the shoulder hoops and plain dark burgundy of Jurgensen era, or even the Packers rip-offs (especially since the Packers don't use those striping patters, specifically, anymore). If they were to go with a completely different but traditional look, that would almost feel like a small school picking a look out of a catalog or something.

  4. Nice. That looks like Minnesota. And exchanging elements between the three colors doesn't appear that it would be terribly offensive either. Frankly, I was surprised that PJ Fleck was still employed by Minnesota based on those, but then I saw the oar stripe was still there, and then they were holding a paddle in the video. Ha.

    • Like 3
  5. 2 hours ago, -Akronite- said:

    For the record, extremely dark IS in fact a meaning of the word. But again, I get not liking the use here.

    True. However, I believe it only means dark because of its use to describe the black, tar-like substance used in waterproofing, etc. While language is ever-evolving and there is no "improper use" where meaning is conveyed successfully, and while using "pitch" comparatively to describe any very dark version of a color vs. a lighter shade can make sense, I can understand why people would associate pitch exclusively with black and find other terms to qualify other darker colors.

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  6. There are certainly blue (or blue-tinted) conifers. (Though to be fair, that's a spruce, not a pine, and we're nothing if not pedantic here at CCSLC.) But I take @BBTV's point: in the context of color, "pine" certainly makes me think of dark green before any other color, including the bluer green that Philadelphia currently uses.

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  7. 1 hour ago, Sec19Row53 said:

    Depending on the design process, they literally might not exist. I think what @MCM0313 is getting at is that they may have developed helmet concepts but not uniforms to go with them.


    Maybe someone more connected to the process could chime in.

    That's always been my assumption regarding Tampa's first redesign. And up until now, I hadn't questioned it, even though I had no hard reason to think that way. I always just assumed that they started with the helmet and came up with a bunch of ideas for it. Then once they settled on a helmet, they went from there with the uniforms.

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  8. 17 hours ago, VDizzle12 said:


    That Missouri set was so popular other teams went with the same template. I remember Houston specifically going with it during the Case Keenum years. 


    Illinois was probably the worst offender of the "piping" look. With Oregon State and even Clemson not being far behind. 

    Ah yeah. I specifically remember watching a game in which Clemson played Wake Forest in purple and it was a competitive game (i.e. they were on the same mid-major level).

    • Like 2
  9. On 5/16/2024 at 2:14 PM, VDizzle12 said:


    The "piping" era in college football was so absurd. Teams literally just had curved lines all over their uniforms that made no sense. 

    If I recall correctly, Missouri bought into that look pretty heavily.

  10. 2 minutes ago, tBBP said:

    What I do know, however, is that the phrase "creatures of habit" has never been more true than in the characteristic patterns that tend to show up in Nike-led or Nike-designed number sets...

    Thank you for the all the examples. I thought of Wake Forest and Minnesota specifically, but as you illustrated, there are so many more. The only explanation I can think of (beyond "It looks cool") is it's an attempt to create sets of numbers that are unique while maintaining a "signature" that identifies a set of numbers as Nike's.


    Sure, these numbers may be unique, set to set, while keeping that opposite corners theme. But (rhetorically), did these designers ever ask if including that particular thing was a good design choice. (Or if any of these sets are actually good?)

  11. 1 hour ago, DCarp1231 said:

    The full Texans number font- 4, 6, & 9 are the only three digits with a separate set depending on if it’s first or second for double digit numbers


    Legitimate request: Could someone who has worked in sports-related branding and who would potentially have knowledge of this please explain the obsession with making so many custom number sets have mixed/opposite-end round and square corners? I do not understand the infatuation with having some corners be pointy and others be rounded. And then rigidly sticking with that, even where it makes certain numbers look so overwrought (like the 2 in this particular set). And yet! The 6 doesn't have a square bottom left corner? Why.

    It's a shame too. If one were to use the 5 or 6 (or both) as a starting point and build out a set of numbers from there, it would look like a logical evolution from the set they had on their original uniforms. Something along these lines:


    • Like 9
  12. 22 minutes ago, Carolingian Steamroller said:

    For the record.

    Washington operated as The Football Team for two whole seasons using the 80's uniforms and nobody had a problem with it. None of the folks, myself included, who wanted the old moniker dropped had beef with the uniforms themselves.

    The Commanders got new uniforms because the team, inventing a new nickname, wanted new uniforms to go with the rebrand.

    So there's no straw manning the uniforms as potentially offending anyone. 

    Personally, I would've loved it for Washington to stay the Washington Football Team and roll with the numbers on the helmets. 



    This is basically where I am, too. I do understand the argument that, without another definitive mascot/name, calling them the Washington Football Team and keeping a look that they used for so many years under the offensive moniker could be perceived as a constant reminder that they used to have another name and the lack of a conventional mascot/name would equate a wink and nod to the previous name. ("Hey, we're just called 'Football Team' now because we can't use our real name. But you guys remember it, right??")

    I don't agree that that's what would happen, but I can see the logic to the argument. And of course, regardless of what the team is called, you'll have old heads who use the old name out of habit without any necessary intent to cause offense and people who like to use the term "snowflake" who will intentionally use the old name, but I think they're well in the minority.


    Otherwise, yes: just keep using the old uniforms, use the new helmet (with the gloss/car paint/deep finish that they used in the 2000s), and perhaps include a logo-less throwback to the dark burgundy/old gold/khaki pants era. Given this is a team with a significant history and decent pedigree (on the whole, anyway), they should retain a look familiar to the franchise. If they want to go in a new direction, do so wholesale: Buy the DC Defenders identity from the UFL and rebrand as them, or go completely in another direction without either burgundy or gold.

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  13. 1 hour ago, TenaciousG said:

    Also a lot of people - especially on the East Coast - think Washington means DC.*** They should have been the Evergreen State Wolfpack IMO. 

    ***But not people from or who have lived for any length of time in DC.

    • Like 2
  14. 23 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

    Not a fan of the new WV jerseys


    It's unfortunate from a branding standpoint that WVU's arguably most consistently successful stretch of seasons were in the Pat White/Geno Smith uniforms as those are the uniforms that much of a broader national audience associates with WVU. While I think that design was essentially a far more tasteful application of the original 1997 Denver Broncos striping and is fairly tame by standards of the time, each redesign since they went to the navy helmet and the flying WV (1980) has been unnecessary tinkering (to outright eschewing) with that original look.


    A modernization of the original look would be my preference (if not an outright return to that look; though that's unrealistic given Nike's coherent branding across the University's sports programs). And I don't hate some of the changes and added elements that the 2019 redesign brought: there's more emphasis on the navy-gold-navy striping. I liked the Country Roads alternates for a big game, etc. And while the flying WV is the mark that the team should use, I don't mind it within the state outline as an alternate logo.


    These new ones are slightly worse than what they replace. (There's too much gold on these for the navy jerseys, just like there was too much gold on the navy jerseys in the 2019 set.) But they're still better than the pickax uniforms or either of the jerseys Pat White wore (taking the timeline back to 2002, which wasn't really great either because they had inexplicably added white drop shadows to the numbers that year).


    1 hour ago, 4_tattoos said:

    WVU's new shoulder stripes don't make me think of the Pat White era. They remind me of the Brian Brohm Louisville teams that were a rival to WV when they were in the Big East together.


    While this was not the first thing I thought of when I saw those stripes (I figured they were going for what Pat White/Geno Smith wore, but I also thought Houston Texans or even USC since they didn't have the side panel/Broncos stripes), this is an interesting point.

    • Like 1
  15. On 4/20/2024 at 8:39 PM, DCarp1231 said:
    On 4/20/2024 at 8:36 PM, tBBP said:


    Time out—did they just turn that panther head logo 90 degrees, crop it, and create a pants "stripe" out of its neck?? That's what they did, didn't they???

    Yeah it took me a bit to realize that too. It’s a bit awkward and more noticeable on the gold pants.

    I don't even think it's a bad look, necessarily. If they were starting from scratch, I could see what they were going for. But knowing what those pants replaced, it's certainly a downgrade.

    • Like 1
  16. 58 minutes ago, Chromatic said:

    One thing about the Broncos the jerseys, I think the "mountain" design on the sleeve cap is going to have a similar effect as the Seahawks "feather", where its going to look like one thing on the players wearing them over shoulder pads, but extra stupid on the jerseys fans buy with the extended sleeves. 

    This is an interesting point given that sleeves have actually made a very limited comeback recently. I noticed it started with Tyreek Hill last year, and now some players in the UFL have been sporting longer sleeves. I presume this is a "quarterback cut" jersey style or something a la Peyton Manning or Tom Brady. (Though frankly, I didn't know they were still available.) I'm now curious what the Broncos' new sleeve design will look like on this particular cut of the jersey.







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  17. 1 hour ago, bbush24 said:


    Y'all are getting soft. These are awful. Screams mid-major college program.

    This is exactly right. This is Illinois/Syracus/Boise State over the last decade or so, regurgitated.

  18. 20 minutes ago, DCarp1231 said:

    I still think Tennessee could revert to the Oilers uniforms but keep the Titans name.

    Do they keep the thumbtack? Or just straight up go everything Oilers including the derrick and just call themselves the Titans?


    The latter idea is wild, and I don't hate it.

  19. Just now, MJWalker45 said:

    Houston needs to just wear either a white or a blue helmet and call it a day.


    Or even just go back to the 2020 uniforms (with the new logo, for obvious reasons). That dark silver helmet was miles better than even a white or blue iteration of the current helmet would be.


    Just now, MJWalker45 said:

    The all red for the Panthers works when playing the Stallions as well, I just don't like that look.


    Oh yeah, I'm with you here: It would have looked better burgundy over gold.

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  20. 7 hours ago, MJWalker45 said:

    Michigan going all red today 😑


    Yeah, when I first saw a picture of what they were wearing, I wasn't looking forward to it. But the two teams against each other didn't look awful. Burgundy vs. red and white with gold mixed in on both sides; it wasn't a bad looking game. Not ideal, but I would take that over the San Antonio/Memphis matchup from yesterday.


    I also thought, for as red-heavy as it was, Houston/DC wasn't terrible either. Houston's helmet is garbage, but I liked the other three contrasting elements: white jerseys, blue pants, and red socks. And DC is just a pair of white pants away from having the best (OK, maybe second or third best) uniforms in the league.


    Lots of caveats there. And everything I said was "this is not bad" vs. "this is good". Ha. But my point is, this league is at least colorful and the matchups are pretty easy to watch (both aesthetically and it terms of quality of the games, come to it).

    • Like 1
  21. On 3/30/2024 at 1:53 PM, MJWalker45 said:

    I don't know why they even have white pants. 


    Noticed that the skill players on offense all have the green comms dot on their helmets. Did USFL do that last year? 


    On 3/30/2024 at 1:56 PM, Sodboy13 said:

    USFL revived two red/gold teams with the Stallions and Stars, and needed to differentiate. So they moved Philly to athletic gold and gave Birmingham the white britches.


    Not arguing the aesthetics one way or the other, but there is historical precedent for Birmingham wearing white pants on the road: They did so in 1984 and 1985, too. I'm not sure if having Birmingham go with white pants in 1984 was a deliberate decision related to the similarities with the Stars, as Sodboy suggests. (It seems at least plausible for a fledgling league attempting to establish brands.) But it predates 2022.

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  22. I like that facemask-swapping idea for the Browns depending on the uniform combinations, especially any league interference notwithstanding.


    I wonder how that would go over with league officials from a branding standpoint. Up to this point, they apparently haven't made much of a fuss when teams change their facemask colors. Those have been in generally one-off situations (like the Browns' and Jets' [from before the uniform change] white facemasks) or else a permanent change (like the Bills going to white facemasks). But if a team (that uses its helmet as its logo) did that regularly (resulting in essentially three variations of their logo), I would presume that would give the league pause? It's an interesting thought exercise anyway.

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  23. 18 hours ago, SFGiants58 said:

    So, how legit is this source?

    I think because it involves the Broncos and is stated with such confidence with no apparent legitimacy to back it up (about "all five upcoming changing uniforms", no less!), are we sure that Jesse Schultz isn't just Nick under a pseudonym? The portrait even kind of looks like him, aged to today.


    (This post is for the oldheads, I guess. But that's absolutely the first thing I thought of. Haha.)

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  24. 5 hours ago, Discrim said:

    You forgot the Patriots


    Ha. I was wondering if anyone would notice. I intentionally left them out because, while it was a unique look to the NFL, that set of numbers looked like they belonged in the NHL. (Probably because around that time the Lightning and Flames had both featured italicized numbers briefly, and the NHL was the only placed I'd seen italicized numbers. So that's how I classified that look in my head. In other words, the general style of that set of numbers didn't look entirely new to me, even if they were unique, unlike the Ravens, Eagles, et al. which felt like entirely new designs.)

  25. Custom number fonts, especially of late, are an excellent encapsulation of "just because we can doesn't mean we should".


    Since it used to be that suppliers (at least to a degree) dictated what number styles were available, there was more uniformity, at least in concept, among number sets. And differences in generally similar styles led to interesting (but tame) quirks and differences (like the "Champion" numbers essentially being "block" but with the curved 7, etc.). Because of certain teams sticking with styles over time, even after changing suppliers, we ended up with some teams with contextually unique numbers. (Two examples that stick out there are the Bears, and to a lesser degree, the Red Sox.) But somewhere around the mid-to-late 90s (I suppose starting with the Ravens, Eagles, and then Broncos), that changed. Those number sets were, at least, somewhat coherent in their designs though. Now, with numbers like the Texans, Dolphins, Seahawks, Titans, etc., it just seems like numbers are designed first and foremost to not look like other numbers, and then Nike et al back into some brand-speak, brand-related explanation for why they look like they do.


    (That's not to say all modern numbers that are currently unique are like this. Cleveland's an example that seems a little more coherent and intentional. Though even there, the half-serif on the 7 is questionable.)

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