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Everything posted by FiddySicks

  1. They just couldn’t stick with Football Team as their name. It stands out WAY too much imo. It’s one of those kind of names that would make new fans 30 years from now question what that was all about, and the NFL sure as doesn’t want to go down that road forever. That might’ve actually been the proper way to handle this, but this is just easier. The league is ALWAYS going to take that path. Commanders is generic as all :censored:, but I still sort of like it. The most important thing is they kept their look similar enough to not be jarring. I’m even fine with the black, as it’s sort of a nice transition from the burgundy and gold era. And it looks like they’re apparently keeping the black as part of a separate set? A bit more college style than we’re used to, but I like that a lot, actually. Better than just shoehorning black into the primary set. I’m happier with them doing it than I was with the Cleveland Baseball Team because burgundy and gold is a great, unique color combo, where navy and red isn’t. No matter how you shake it, the name is better than just Football Team, and now they can finally ditch the NFL Crimson Tide helmets. That was EASILY the worst part of the WFT set. I wouldn’t be stunned if they went W on one side, and numbers on the other, though. It would be annoying, but not surprising.
  2. Yeah that’s what I figured. I thought the Niners had worn their regular white jerseys in the playoffs already, though. Could be wrong about that.
  3. The Rams haven’t yet worn their “road” jerseys in the playoffs (Tampa wore white), so couldn’t they still designate the alt as their “road” set for the playoffs? Rams won their only Super Bowl in basically that white jersey. If they either choose to or get stuck playing a Super Bowl in that god awful bone set, I’m gonna be annoyed as hell.
  4. Bengals are the home team, and the black jerseys are their primary home jerseys. Bucs choosing white last year and a repeat team made it all kinda more difficult to remember.
  5. I was born in the Bay Area and am a lifelong Nor Cal guy who just missed any of the Niners title runs (first Super Bowl I remember was the year after their last win). I decided pretty early on that 49ers fandom was pretty miserable, and latched onto, stupidly, the Bucs. Since then, I’ve seen my team be an absolute tire fire and still back their way to two Super Bowl wins. Since then, I’ve seen the Niners do, well, what they did tonight, about a thousand times. I’m so SO happy I dodged that bullet. Anyway, Niners need to load Jimmy G onto a dinghy and push him out into the Pacific Ocean. Then go get Rodgers. If not, just fold that franchise. Well, not exactly what I wanted, but a Rams Bengals Super Bowl is weird as all and I can absolutely get behind that. Go Bengals.
  6. Holy crap, I am SHOCKED. I was pulling for the Bengals but woke up in kind of a grumpy mood because I was sure they were going to get walked on. I’m so happy for them. I can’t remember many times being this pleased for a team I don’t even root for. That was a ton of fun. Now go Niners. I wanna see part III.
  7. It’s crazy. People hated Brady so much and hoped so hard for ANYONE else, and that anyone ended up being Mahomes, who makes people just as mad if not more so. I’m trying my hardest to consciously not hate him as much as I did Brady, because that was just tiresome and a huge waste of time that I don’t care to repeat. But holy crap, it’s hard. There’s something that I just find so… Boring, about him. No idea why. He’s undoubtedly incredible, and seems like a great teammate, but there’s just something that irks me about him so much. Why does consistent success in sports feel so off putting? I can’t explain it.
  8. Doesn't matter. They’re going back to the same place of irrelevance that they were in before the Brady era. It’s ultimately a dumb organization, so they’ll probably roll with Gabbert next season while trying and failing to develop Trask into anything useful.
  9. Their stadium was condemned last year, too. I spent a weird amount of time at Aloha Stadium when I was a kid for a variety of different reasons, and I can’t think of any other sporting venue at any level that was even close to being as rancid as that place was. It made the Oakland Coliseum look like a palace, by comparison. And it wasn’t just gross, it was downright dangerous. The last time I was there, large sections of the metal platforms holding the bleachers had collapsed due to rust, and that was almost 15 years ago. I can’t believe they used that stadium for so long without killing someone.
  10. Lol the Rams aren’t beating the Chiefs. Can’t close vs football’s Mariano Rivera. No way.
  11. None of us are giving the Bengals a chance next weekend, right?
  12. God what a kick in the nuts it’s gotta be to be a Bills fan. There you go, everyone. Two Super Bowl wins in three years for the Chiefs.
  13. Bills are keeping it close but I just don’t think they’ve got it tonight.
  14. I think you may be underestimating how dumb the Rams can be. Rams are DEEPLY flawed in the same way the 49ers are, but with more playmakers and a much better QB. Tonight’s game (which so far has been REALLY good) kinda feels like the real Super Bowl to me.
  15. Lol, no. Rams are going to beat the Niners in a close one because they are absolutely due (and because Jimmy G is gonna finally Jimmy G it up too much), and then they’re going to get straight boatraced by whoever wins the game tonight. Probably the Chiefs.
  16. Bucs played like dead fish most of the game, but never rolled over. Losses always suck, but I feel something for this team I haven’t in ages. Pride. Great ride. Hope we get more, but if not, I’m thankful.
  17. All these Niners fans who’ve been yapping about how “we want the Rams” are gonna feel real dumb when they get absolutely rolled by them and then they go on to lose another Super Bowl.
  18. 49ers gotta be the sentimental favorites just for taking out Dallas and Green Bay.
  19. I’m gonna be so :censored:ing mad if the Bucs lose tomorrow. How the hell did the Niners win that game? Gator polo (that’s a good inadvertent autocorrect) looked MISERABLE and the coaching was legit bad. That defense carried them. I said before last week they’re the team I was most worried about playing. That defense is so SO good.
  20. How long until we can fully admit that Kyle Shanahan just isn’t that good of a coach?
  21. Jimmy G throws the pick, Green Bay decides to ice it, the Niners don’t let them and try to get the ball back (lol :censored:ing WHY?), Green Bay absolutely torched them on a mistake on the next play, d still blocks the kick. If the Niners win this game, it will be in spite of themselves. That coaching staff is annoyingly dumb. Like, Chargers level dumb. Also, I almost want to see what Trey Lance can do at this point. Jimmy G looks pathetic.
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