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Everything posted by FiddySicks

  1. I could be wrong, but I've always been under the impression that the Mariners would like to have Portland as their "territory", if you will. It's a slight bit of a stretch to defend, considering the cities are nearly 200 miles apart, but that entire area is rather isolated from the rest of the country. I don't think the Mariners would embrace another team in that area as much as they would consider them infringing on their market. I'm not sure how much the Mariners could do to prevent a team from moving to Portland (As the claims of Portland being within their market seem dubious, at best), but I don't think they would be as happy as you assume.
  2. I'd rather live in a trash can in the Bay Area than a mansion in America's Biggest Mistake of a City ©
  3. 1). It isn't a cool city. 2). It is an objective fact. 3). Those are both beside the point anyway because that's not even the issue. The SF Bay Area is just objectively a better area for, well, just about everything. 4). Vegas is running out of natural resources, such as clean drinking water, and growing at alarmingly unsustainable levels. Within 50 years, Vegas will basically be the setting for Mad Max: Fury Road. Raiders will still probably be there, though.
  4. Well one thing is for sure. I’d be more willing to accept an A’s move to Portland than I would :censored:ing Vegas again. Leaving the Bay Area for goddamn Vegas just in general is nuts. It’s such a massive downgrade in so many ways. Portland is at least a cool city.
  5. The city is flat broke. Basically the entire maritime shipping economy that supported the city back in it's heyday has fled across the bay for various different reasons. Bay Area real estate has ballooned to the point where they just can't keep up any longer. Basic services such as fire and police are an underfunded mess, which is why crime is downright horrendous in that area (Worst in the country, in most years). Oakland is fighting like hell to avoid getting sucked up by the rich, tech funded gentrification that has invaded the rest of the Bay Area and they're failing miserably at it and paying the price. There's more to it than that, of course, and someone like @dfwabel could probably elaborate on it better than I can, but that's basically it, in simplest terms.
  6. Three things: 1). Sacramento would be a head and shoulders better fit than Vegas for the A's. 2). Vegas is going to run out of water in the next half century and will collapse into the earth's mantle. 3). I won't be sad when this happens.
  7. We (as a nation) have boycotted Olympics for less, people.
  8. . Yeah, I'm going to have to disagree with you a little bit on this one. People making 10 cents an hour to stitch shoes together is a TERRIBLE abuse of human rights, and absolutely should be fought. But by the time this particular World Cup rolls around, there could be somewhere in the neighborhood of 2,500-5,000 human deaths associated with construction. That's absolutely mortifying.
  9. Yes, he's still there. And he's still getting dragged basically every article because all he puts out is garbage. Also, Ray Ratto has been a very weird, but I think, very good addition to that group. I'm surprised he hasn't been picked up by a larger publication yet.
  10. Funny, because I thought Atlanta had the weakest logo package in the league. The whole Hotshots identity kinda struck me a little different, though. The whole identity is a tribute to the 19 firefighters that were killed in Yarnell, Arizona in 2013. I lived in Phoenix at the time and the way people came together over that tragedy was pretty much the one time I was actually proud to live in that state. I also grew up in one of the largest National Forests in the country in California and the town is HIGHLY susceptible to big fires. We lost damn near half the town during a fire in 2007. A lot of people I grew up with went on to fight fires for CalFire, and the way they've been protecting the residents of this state over the past few years with the enormous fires we've had is something I admire to the fullest extent. I don't really play into the whole "Thank you for your service" deal when it comes to military/police/first responders much for several different reasons. I make a bit of an exception for wildland firefighters, though.
  11. That’s exactly how I felt about the AZ Hotshots logo. I like it so much, I actually found a way to get ahold of one of their helmet decals and I put it on my car.
  12. Y'all are trippin if you thing these are better than what the AAF put out. At least, logo wise, anyway.
  13. How dare you make assumptions like that. You can ABSOLUTELY race motorcycles.
  14. We're definitely getting, like, the St. Louis Flag Humpers or something, aren't we?
  15. Yup, that's exactly what I was referencing. Obviously it's more than just a dollar figure, but that's pretty much the basis of his issues with ESPN to begin with. Point is, if Simmons has the scratch to land Rusillo, it would stand to reason he has the money to properly fund everyone else's relatively reasonable requests.
  16. I found Rusillo joining The Ringer to be pretty surprising, but not really surprising at the same time. He's been doing work for them for awhile now, so it's no surprise that he would want to make a transition like that at some point. But the whole crux of his argument against ESPN, and the reason he's been kind of on again/off again with them over the past few years is money. I'm sure there's more to it in that guys complicated, malcontent brain, but money is definitely #1. Him joining The Ringer full time and leaving ESPN has to be about money (And with his new Manhattan Beach home he goes on about ad nauseam, he probably needs it). If that's the case, than what's been Simmons' holdup on actually paying his already established people their fair share? They obviously have the cash flow to pay a guy who's in as high demand as Rusillo. Stands to reason that they would have the cash to pay everyone else. Rusillo is a really strange one for me. He's probably my favorite personality in sports, and there's absolutely no podcast I look forward to more than his. He's fantastic at what he does and has an insight that almost nobody has, and he can articulate things to his listeners better than anyone out there. That's a HUGE get for Simmons and The Ringer. That being said, he comes across as such a miserable, smug douche (His "You know, no big deal" line he puts out whenever he drops any name with even the tiniest bit of clout is absolutely cringe inducing). He's probably the last dude in sports media I'd ever want to "have a beer" with. With that being said, though? I still love the guy's work. In other words, he's PERFECT for The Ringer.
  17. I'm pretty sure I know this person. I worked for GSR right after their holdings acquired it from Hilton and did work for them until some time around 2012. Bury the Coyotes under the bowling alley in Reno.
  18. They're going to delay this as long as possible and when we do eventually get some grand unveiling, it's all going to be complete and total GARBAGE.
  19. As cool as a stadium in downtown Long Beach would be, I have to agree. It just makes too much sense considering how much space they have around there for parking. I'd have to imagine the total cost of building in the parking lot of Angels Stadium vs downtown Long Beach would be a LOT less considering the infrastructure is already there.
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